Monday, 28 March 2011

What happened today:

In brief - I went for a cycle to the ‘radio tower’ at the end of HOLLAND…and passed for the second time - a woman (who had been with her husband yesterday, when I took the same cycling route) and I had recognised them both and overheard their conversation. They were both ‘good friends’ of the BROWNE women…and I can remember them inviting the BROWNES, myself and a mother and her teenage son to their house in GREATER HOLLAND:

Teenage son “I want to earn enough favours so that I can shag you” to HELEN BROWNE over this middle-class luncheon.

HELEN laughed hoarsely like a man and then said to her mother:

“He’s a right little NIPPER isn’t he?” a bit nervously…because I was there…

Her mother replied that he had ‘got the right idea’ in order to ‘get on in life’ and that was when the whole table burst into rather forced demonic laughter…they all agreed, upon that one.

Yes it was an absurd situation…yes it was ROSEMARY’S BABY but in Clacton…not New York.

So anyway, the other day I heard this couple say…as they stared at me approaching in the cycle lane upon my bike (above the promenade)…”it wasn’t fair - too harsh” they were talking about what had happened to the BROWNES in DUBAI.

Let me remind you that they had been had up for HEROIN SMUGGLING, GRAND LARCENY as in laundering massive amounts of money…and various ‘sex practices’ which are not lawful in the country…under the general heading of PROSTITUTION.

Okay, we don’t shoot people for the above in this country…and I am not suggesting that we should…but the BROWNES were arch-SATANISTS…and I am sure that the DUBAI authorities also took that one into account…even if it didn’t appear upon the ‘charges’ sheet.

The couple walking down the cycle lane were ex-heroin addicts….now pushers…so ‘not good’ at all…I was supposed to ‘shut down their network’…so I put her into memory dump…and SCARLETT’s POLICE did the rest…whatever it was…


Up by that ‘outpost’ before the radio tower…I noticed a FANTA orange CAN behind BLACK BARS and remembered RIMINGTON lodging it there, for some reason…relating to the INFANTA…the GOYA reproduction upon my Swiss grandmother’s dining room wall…a blonde child…OSCAR WILDE wrote a story about this child…or I read it in some other fairy story book…who is entertained by a dwarf who falls in love with her but then has his heart broken…

In 1991, DABYDEEN was to tell me that he was this ‘dwarf’ to my ‘infanta’ for some reason, even though I had never told him about the above in relation to my grandmother, as far as I can recall…

Anyway, I then figured that the INFANTA story doubled up with QUASIMODO…and then remembered that DABYDEEN had actually been programmed as a FROLLO…so more ‘MOB’ than QUASI…that is all I can say…GILL was also a FROLLO…

Who was at the top in NY?

LOEHRMANN - fanatical Catholic at the head of FBI drugging and mind control…taken over by MARK R (who was looked after by the MOSSAD) and what have you got? An ASHKENAZIM takeover, I would guess…and CARDINAL SPELLMAN probably got exposed and ‘hung out to dry’ as a paedophile as a result…what a joke…they were all paedophiles…

I then thought about all of the QUASIMODO programmed men in CLACTON who had gathered around HELEN like BEES to a QUEEN BEE…and figured…the BROWNES obviously had a large fan club in CLACTON…good job, some people weren’t part of that…but I have no idea who was and who wasn’t…most people were too scared to show their hand because TOMLINSON was their MASTER and running the BROWNES…


I also passed a mother - whose daughter I had saved from dying of obesity (circa 2003 - I had escaped from RIMINGTON and ROZ for the afternoon)…she had been given 600 calories a day to live on ‘or you get fat’ by the BROWNES…so I changed it to 2000 - with instructions to eat 800 calories a day as a minimum (never fast) and to exercise everyday even if it was ‘100 yards down the promenade’…her mother was to tell me, six months later on, that they had stopped when she got to 9 stones…her optimum weight…

The poor teenager was a desperate case when I met her…I chatted for a little while and she invited me home for a cup of tea…upon the HOLLAND parade of houses…that is how and why it happened…she had red hair…but was the kindest, meekest soul out…so hair colour isn’t an indicator of character at all…obviously it isn’t…even though many red-heads that I have met, have had…let us say ‘fiery characters’…

I also passed another woman who had been denied children by the BROWNES…I had helped her to do so…and she had had a beautiful daughter (she was pushing her child down the cycle lane)…

Circa 2003, she had asked me for a name for her ‘daughter-to-be‘…and I didn’t want to give one - what did I know about naming children? Nothing…but she kept on pressing me, once I had ‘re-arranged the future’ for her (she had been a ZYGOTE SLAVE - aborted by the BROWNES who earned £100 a go or more)…and so I eventually settled upon that lovely name…the one that SHU CHEN CHEN my Chinese flatmate at WARWICK had chosen as her English pen-name (“because nobody can pronounce my real name properly“):


The woman decided that she liked ISABELLA…a lovely name too…even if it does have associations of being a BELLE of the ill cult…it was the best that I could think of at the time…a BELLE has many BEAUs and a good life…she has her ‘pick’ in life…

How did I help these people? By ‘tapping on the cross’ and also by ‘trancing out for a second’ and re-writing the future…you see how you cannot help everybody but it is important to help individuals where you can….it was only at the CIA LAB that I began to learn (self-taught and undercover) how to write computer programs to affect large groups of people…and only whilst being in that CIA LAB, with my ‘finger on the button’ - to be able to implement them…and to escape un-noticed….in relation to the ‘damage’ that I had done, to the ill cult system.


Anyway, I went to the new CYCLE SHOP…which I knew would be ‘bad news’ because it had replaced/taken over the old KITE shop which had MOSSAD associations according to RIMINGTON.

It is on the main CLACTON POST OFFICE road - adjacent to SAINSBURYS and on the corner of CARNARVON ROAD.

I went in to buy CYCLE OIL and bought the less expensive TF2 brand…remembering that RIMINGTON had told me to buy the £7.99 brand but I am not a ‘professional cyclist’ and I do not need the ‘top make of oil’…

The guy in the shop was helping me by referring to the ‘top brand’ though….I had to step over bike front wheels to get to it…and take off two objects on the hook and a MOLLY DOLL as he called it…before I could look at this ‘top cycle oil’…

I forgot to mention the GREEN BROOM which I had to pass before I got to the DISPLAY hooks of products behind the counter and near to the cash till..I picked it up and took it away from the CYCLING products for sale, balancing it against the counter (GREEN BROOM - big associations with GREEN RADIO ROOMS).

Once at the DISPLAY hooks of products to my RIGHT, I could see that the EXPENSIVE OIL was hidden by a HUGE RAGDOLL of types in a plastic bag - and then two small 'technical objects' (and I 'know that GILL had said that he was 'one of them' - was MARK R the other or HULBRUSCH?)

I removed the two small ‘technical objects in packets’ (I cannot remember what they were ) and then asked him what the ‘doll’ was…he told me a MOLLY DOLL…I asked him what it was for - he said 'upon the front of your cycle' and that such MOLLY DOLLs were popular( the two other items before it - protecting it - were BATTERIES probably) the MOLL DOLLL was to...”to put on the front of your cycle”….and they are popular? “yes, lots of people had them”….

I wondered about that one…I haven’t seen a MOLLY DOLL upon the front of a cycle in CLACTON yet…

a MOLL is a 'total mind control slave doll' of a MAFIA boss...MARILYN MUNROE started life as one but she rebelled....and she was murdered, as a consequence. The BROWNES had no thought of rebellion...they had bought into the ill cult from the word go...they were no 'MARILYNS'...but they ended up with the same early death. So go figure - is the ill cult 'good for you' if you are a woman?

See also SWEET MOLLY MALONE....who sells what is 'inside cockles and oysters'...selling the babies of women mind control slaves...according to the ill cult 'real meaning' of the mother would sing it in deathly tones, from her piano at 2 ST AUSTELL ROAD....


Whilst I was in the shop…a biker was asking for various things for his bike…and ending up repeating “do you have TASSELS?”


…a TASCHMAN reference, no doubt and also a MASONIC one as well as a RELIGIOUS one…the TASSELLS of the robes…VATICAN….JOOISH ORTHODOX…ASHKENAZIM used to have them around their ARK OF COVENANT as far as I am aware…or they did in LONDON, the last time I looked which was years ago…the ARK where they hid their ‘class A drugs’….who would dare to look in there…never mind BUST a synagogue?

You could see the TASSELS in the MI HOTEL in Jerusalem…in an alcove beneath the stairs….a poignant image…that I didn’t quite ‘get’ at the time…and wondered about it….a knotted rope of many strands…NETWORKS…like knotted hair I suppose….and the colour or colours of the strands, would be important…as far as I can remember, that ROPE and TASSELS were LIGHT PINK…


GILL tells me that the BROWNES used ROPES a lot…strangulation was their speciality…”they broke a few windpipes and blamed it on ‘child/teenage suicide’…yes I can remember...sick bitches...'total robots'...darkness - no 'light' in their brains at all....


Cycling back from the radio tower…I began to think of many things…but not ‘sealing wax and string’…

1. CLAIRE THORNTON…the rebel ROTHSCHILD was murdered horribly by the ill…after they had found out what he had done, at 14 ST BERNARDS ROAD in the 1970s….anyway, whilst at our house, he had given me a question to ask upon the LANGLEY SENIORS tannoy…and only one person had answered it in a truly moral and ethical way…that was CLAIRE (a sensible Catholic upbringing had held her in good stead - she just ‘knew‘ immediately how to answer)…and that was why he had decided to ‘channel through her’ and only her…until he met his demise, many years later…in the CIA LAB, I was to find out about that one…it was horrible…but way before I had any ‘power’ to stop it happening…terrible.

2. I remembered a bit more about what had happened in relation to MCDONALD…yes it was him…deciding that we should ‘out GILL’ in the internet in relation to a HIEROPHANT theme…with a ‘tasteful nude’ shot…

Let me add here, that the RUSSIAN DOCTOR VIDEO upon YOUTUBE - the theme was THE HIEROPHANT - was of particular interest to the MILITARY MASONS…and once I had passed the information back to SCOTTIE…it was decided that the CC translation service upon YOUTUBE would not be allowed to work…to let the MASONS work it all out…before anybody else did….so I am still ‘in the dark’ upon that one. What the ‘hierophant’ was all about….and what the guy said about it…(but in the CIA LAB I would guess that I ‘knew’ anyway - although I cannot remember now).

Anyway, once MCDONALD had decided upon that ‘shot’ of GILL - used within this blog, basically to wake him up…I.e. to tell GILL that he wasn’t MARK R’s ‘best friend’…the guy used to make him take his trousers down, in his own office at GREEN TOWER and MARK R used to speak to GILL's anus like a telephone, asking it to prophesy….whilst giggling his head off…and GILL’s ‘prophet alter’ would tell him the future (verbally not anally) - really - I am not making this up…

GILL was always of the opinion that he should ‘save’ MARK R (see notes upon JO SMITH‘s cottage)…so one can assume another HB ‘friendship’ there (or JAPANESE CONTROL DESK intervention)…he was oblivious to the abuse perpetrated upon him and blatantly to others….but not to him. Perhaps MARTINE took all of the abuse…and GILL’s other ‘alters’ didn’t mind…

Anyway, to cut a long story short….I contacted GILL’s sister - once the CIA LAB was almost empty apart from SC….and she walked in to ‘sort it all out’…”oh they did, did they?”

She then walked out (went ’somewhere’ upstairs) and then came back to tell me that we could only use ‘this photo of OBAMA’…then SC produced the SKIING incident…and she said ‘that’s not good enough’…but I replied ‘yes that’s brilliant’ - why did I think that it was ‘brilliant? It fitted ‘other pieces of the jigsaw’ - that’s why.

I would guess it is because MCDONALD, SC and myself…had been trying to kill MARK R off for some time…having woken up enough…

You see - I have two main conflicting memories…firstly the GILL and myself upon a faulty ski lift - which resulted in murdering MARK R…

…and DEB MCD murdering him with a rifle - near to that US log cabin….and GILL then half-burning the body to make it ‘no longer recognisable’.

Having seen the photos of DEB MCD outside of that cabin…and the networks are telling me ‘it really happened’…I would be inclined to believe that it really did….

You see…I ‘saw’ the future so many times in the CIA LAB and if it didn’t suit my purpose or people that I was trying to protect, were killed off…I did my best to change it…

As the memories come back - it is so difficult to distinguish between ‘which is which’…because when you view the future by remote-viewing…it is as if it ‘really happened’ but ‘sometime in the future’…

Anyway, I can now see that I had agreed with SC as in ‘perfect photo’….because MCDONALD and SC took the ski-lift meant for GILL and myself…which can only mean one thing….somebody tipped off MARK R before it happened…and my ‘suspicions’ were upon GILL…after the JO SMITH ‘cottage’ incident…he hadn’t realised that MARK R ‘wasn’t his best friend’…and GILL betrayed me, because of it…

Getting back to the CIA LAB… SC, GILL’s sister and myself compiled the ‘retort’ - in relation to MCDONALD exposing GILL as ‘young male nude’ - one of MARK R’s private collection of ‘beautiful zoo creatures’…with OBAMA and MCDONALD…as well as a ‘it hangs the wrong way and it’s small…and it’s a rather peculiar shape’ - SC on what MARK R’s penis looked like….see ORANGE CARROT penis photo, for details.


Whilst cycling back…I also remembered ANALYZA KOMORK (see notes upon the MI HOTEL and that oil painting done by the CANADIAN AMBASSADOR to ISRAEL‘s daughter - it was on the wall in 1980 - MR D‘AJANI‘s son gave me the information upon it)…and SCARLETT’S POLICE mulling that one over…(they were also researching MULL OF KINTYRE at the time - so I thought I would add that reference)….


ANAL ISSAC - an ORK as far as I am concerned, from LORD OF THE RINGS...all ASHKENAZIM RABBIS were simply ORKS...'total mind control slaves'...

SCARLETT's POLICE had many different variations…on the 'Arabic signature' -badly written...


What else?

I got back to BELLE COURT…put some cycle oil onto the chain and gears…and saw a harden lump of sand upon a silver metal bit between the two wheels…I pushed it off…to reveal a HOLE in the metal…and then remembered RIMINGTON telling me that the MASONS had put it there…and once removed, what then? They can ‘look through the hole’?

The ill cult saw the DEMONIC EYE as the anus….see notes above…you could talk to the devil and learn about the future from it ‘the BLACK HOLE of the anus‘…scientists like MARK R thought it all insanely funny…that was all SATANISM was to them…a CLOAK and a DISGUISE for what they were really up to…inhuman experimentation - and upon HUMAN BEINGS…so they had to cloak it behind SATANISM didn’t they? What other excuse would there be?

The MOSSAD wised up…decided to destroy the ill cult paramilitary underground base underneath NY and ‘melt’ the ASHKENAZIM BABYLONIAN ‘Federal Reserve’ SATANIST temple, behind it…also underground………..9/11.…yes, nobody is going to believe what I know…only ‘intelligence’…that is why they get away with so much…


If there are any ASHKENAZIM living after ‘what will be, will be’ let us say…they need to be re-educated but in a very subtle way…NEVER EVER give them jobs to do with FINANCE….keep them away from any sector within your company that involves MONEY and don’t even give them the keys to the petty cash box….ENCOURAGE them to take up ‘far more worthy pursuits’ in your company…in colleges and schools…in order to try and RIGHT the WRONG of their culture…encourage them into professions which DON’T INVOLVE MONEY…professions with ethics and morality attached…(so keep them away from LAW too - they can study it in their own time for ethical reasons)….

JONATHAN MILLER achieved that one naturally…but by doing so, he had to separate from JOODAISM…become an ATHEIST (‘old devil’ in ill cult terms) and study medicine (DR MUD and the NHS - the worst hive out) to become a DOCTOR and when that ‘didn’t work out’…he decided to go into ‘entertainment’ and become a THEATRE DIRECTOR…go figure…the guy was a cuckoo from one of the 13 TRIBES…no doubt about it at all…or his family line were ‘that sort of thing’…who knows?

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