Saturday, 26 March 2011

Want to know the lowdown on GILMORE? You probably don’t…he was another SHARKEY who used to write ‘nonsense essays’ in high falutin’ gibberish and read them out at breakneck speed in class (as did the student EMMA - the other red-haired, white faced ‘evil clown’ in the Caribbean department) so that nobody would have a chance to analyse what he was actually saying…and he dared to call it ‘cutting edge’ post-colonial critical theory…naturally he never published any of it - because none of it held water at all - it was nonsense and consciously written nonsense…’it takes a certain skill to do that’ as ANDREW MARR was to say of his wife’s pitifully low standards in journalism…that is, until she got a PI WRITER to write her GUARDIAN articles for her…

I had some sympathy with SHARKEY…a ‘good Catholic girl’ who was waking up in her 40s…and obsessed by GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR in Armenia and the EARLY CHURCH in general…she was also having a nervous breakdown…GILMORE wasn’t…

GILMORE was employed by the ill cult as DABYDEEN’S minder…his ‘editor’…not that DABYDEEN knew it, he thought of the guy as ‘one of his best friends‘…all the while GILMORE was running DABYDEEN as a PI SLAVE WRITER and living off the proceeds…

GILMORE was to break down in the end and confess…he was ASHKENAZIM - he had been taught to steal from the goyim, from birth…he wasn’t ashamed of it…he belong to a ‘money club’ and the reason that EMILY GYDE had been thrown off jooish lists by the ASHKENAZIM even though they knew of my Sephardic/Arabic descent…was because the money was too great a temptation…and so the CURSE OF HARRY POTTER began…stupid greedy hogs…anyway, GILMORE admitted that MCDONALD had been put in to try and track what GILL and I were up to…GILL as in the JAPANESE and myself upon the ARABIC networks…the ASHKENAZIM couldn’t keep up…they were left behind…the ARABIC and JAPANESE networks decided to work together…and the CHINESE had to be involved…because I needed to protect GILL in order to learn more…and I had to give them all of the up-to-date information so that they could understand my perspective…

‘We don’t work we steal’ - GILMORE was to echo the ROYAL maxim…yes, I don’t suppose the CHINESE want the likes of you in their country…or anybody else for that matter…

Anyway, the CIA LAB had great fun remote-viewing GILMORE…the one and only time that he had gone off on ‘study leave/sabbatical’ to the CARIBBEAN…he lasted two weeks, ROZ says…ended up in a downtown supermarket in Trinidad…bought a cheap book of old stamps in box…and wrote a really stupid paper on them…oh yes, that and some comics…( a student once questioned his ‘I lived in a mud hut on the beach eating papaya fruit’ in relation to ‘I know that beach, I used to walk down it every day…where were you then? GILMORE reverted to his usual autistic rudeness and then ran off).

What did he do then…he used DABYDEEN’s money to hotfoot it all over the globe….this is where it got really amusing…rather like watching BEN STENSON…GILMORE used to check into 5 star hotels and would act out the fantasy of JAMES BOND…he even bought the clothes and would squander vast amounts of money in the local casinos…whilst trying to ‘impress the women’…yes, gambling was his biggest addiction…although he had many.

An ASHKENAZIM mentality has to be ‘seen in action’ to be believed…the level of delusion…of PETER PAN like behaviour…living in fantasy worlds to the nth degree…whilst pretending to be the ‘best mate’ of the person that you are stealing off…it is all quite incredible but that was MI8 for you.

What happened to the real GILMORE and not the ‘actor’ or rather stand-in who is currently employed at WARWICK UNIVERSITY?

The CIA LAB decided that we had to have a laugh about it all…in relation to punishing these people…so we devised ‘soap operas’…

GILMORE was tagged as a sex offender…made to live on £50 per week dole money…in a really squalid bedsit…’somewhere’ in YORKSHIRE in a village near the moors…the best ‘episode’ was where the local policeman told the locals at the pub what he had been tagged for…GILMORE was beaten up and dragged through the gutter…literally…screaming and yelling abuse at them…it was funny, actually….not ‘serious drama’…not watching a ‘guy like that’ get his ‘just punishment’ - you couldn’t take it seriously…

ELLIOT ended up ‘missing in JAPAN‘…and being used as a hobby horse for children…’ride the white slug’…

The former MI8 crew…who used to wine and dine themselves at their local watering hole THE SLUG AND LETTUCE…what can one do but laugh?

GILMORE was funny….he knew he was a worthless piece of shit…he wasn’t in the slightest bit repentant…all he had written about in POST-COLONIAL studies - was an old book of stamps and a pile of second hand comics bought from a downmarket supermarket because he was too mean to buy anything, in the CARIBBEAN (too racist)…he then took a flight out to live out his fantasy around the world as JAMES BOND…frittering away the profits that were funnelled his way, from every new novel that DABYDEEN was to write, under mind control…losing it all at ‘high class casinos’ around the world…that is, until the CIA LAB got him and taught GILMORE a lesson…pitiful.

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