Sunday, 27 March 2011

So how did GILMORE get a job in DABYDEEN’s department?

Didn’t any British-born Caribbean want it? Nobody interested?

Answer : GILMORE fooled his PI slave by a technique that I shall term the HB (HELEN BROWNE) effect:

They chum up to you in a ‘romantic friendship’ sort of way…your relationship/friendship is a HERIOC one in the face of adversity…the two of you alone together, against the world…fighting side by side…and of course the HB ‘swoons at your feet’…they love everything you do…they will protect you and your ideas…your ‘mission‘ in life…against everybody who seeks to harm you…cut them down to size etc etc…

DABYDEEN fell for the charm-offensive as I had done, many years previously…however he did begin to get rather concerned when he saw GILMORE in groups of people…cold, rude and arrogant to the point of being highly offensive…in fact the usual diagnosis would be ‘high-functioning autistic’…

He delicately open a discussion upon that one with GILMORE…and GILMORE was a bit 'caught out'...but then somebody mentioned 'autism'...which is something that GILMORE had to play upon in the end…yes, he was a bit autistic…an abused childhood hinted at etc etc…somebody to be pitied...but he was strong...he held his head high...and so that one, was 'passed by'...

Secondly, GILMORE and the other ‘red-head’ in the department…a student who had a very similar ‘split personality’ let us say…(and she got a distinction for a gobbledygook MA dissertation - we had a look at it - no ‘black student’ did)…used to rule the lectures in 1996-7 as far as I could see…classes of primarily ‘students of colour’...

....including those like MANNEKE who was Indonesian and of Chinese descent and the two South American students…’of colour’ because I mean 'variations on CREAM to BROWN and no RED or WHITE) and so naturally, two WHITE-FACED RED-HEADS really stood out…everybody else was on the spectrum of 'cream/brown variations'....WHITE FACE/RED HAIR stood out...(I am an 'artist'...I notice these things...the to paint a picture...what palette do you use....and the stark variation in colours was quite apparent. I wasn't being racist - I was just looking at the whole scene in terms of realistically recording it.)

...and the WHITE FACE/ RED HAIR couple whipped the others into line with their NAZI robotic ’oh so politically and academically correct terminology’ in their speeches…it was really quite alarming…mainly because they didn’t make sense and the pair knew that they didn’t make sense…like SABINA…they were just compounding vocabulary together like a string of beads, with little or no sense of what it meant…you could tell by the scared but robotically defiant looks on their faces…’I am not open to questions’…and yes, not one person in the room dared to question their ‘read-out essays’ at ‘question time’…not one hand went up…I had my hand over my mouth and was frowning at that point…having tried to stop myself coughing through out that particular lecture…I had learnt from MCDONALD ‘how to look really serious when you want to snort with laughter’…and staring hard at MANNEKE’s expression for clues…but he wasn’t giving anything away…he was smiling quite a bit now and then, as if he were enjoying it but that is often what the CHINESE do when they are upset and being stoical, so who knows eh? As far as I know, he was doing both, enjoying it and being upset by the whole thing...the class and where it was was as if the top soil was being dug up...and that we were all getting closer to something else...

In 1991...DABYDEEN had been convinced by the same young woman ‘red-head’ (5 years earlier than the WARWICK experience)….that to be a RED-HEAD in the UK…meant that you were open to as much potential racial abuse as being ‘black’…I guffawed at that one…but was taken aback when I realised that DABYDEEN appeared to believe it…

So DABYDEEN probably let them into what I would call ‘vulnerable people’ groups on the false premiss that being a white-faced red-head was the same as being ‘black’…in fact, he did…didn’t he?

My conversations with DABYDEEN ran along simple lines in the Afro-Caribbean Centre in Handsworth, B’ham:

DABYDEEN; They told me that being a white-faced red-head was as bad as being a black in the UK…

My answer: That’s not true.

DABYDEEN: They were telling the truth, I am sure of it.

My answer: They lied.

…the whole thing makes me laugh now…I mean - if the pair of them had wanted to penetrate a ‘vulnerable group’ in the UK in a more convincing fashion…they would have chosen an Irish Catholic group perhaps…in relation to POST-COLONIAL studies…but no, they had to go for the ‘big one’…mainly because GILMORE was living off DABYDEEN’s back as a PI SLAVE.

SONIA was to say that ‘red-head’ meant of VIKING descent in Wales…and because she had had reddish tints to her hair…and a fiery temper….she had been called such…hardly what I would call a ‘vulnerable group’ in WHITE-FACED society…from my experience, they tend to give 'other WHITES' a hard time...but yes, I accept that a lot of them do not like being 'different from the herd' and then dye their hair brown/blonde etc...but not for long...only a few see 'red hair' as a 'real social disability in life' after teenage years...after that one, they see it a POSITIVE ASPECT and use it accordingly...look at how many WHITES with BROWN/BLONDE hair dye their hair RED...just count the numbers...they're doing it for a reason, aren't they?...and the reason that PEN DALTON used to dye her hair bright red, was to intimidate other people because she didn't feel POWERFUL enough with light brown hair - so 'go figure' - RED HAIR in WHITE SOCIETY is NOT a 'social disability'.

'BLACK' is entirely different from the 'angst' surrounding RED-HAIR in WHITE SOCIETY in terms of POWER i.e. 'socially dominant or disabled'.

…but the ‘pair of them’ had managed to wangle it in, under the ‘BLACK UMBRELLA’…that is how ‘silly’ things were getting, at WARWICK…

The BLACK UMBRELLA…where you can be WHITE-FACED and RED-HAIRED…but if you say that you are the equivalent of BLACK, for long enough…you get accepted as such…particularly if you have the professor of the department, under mind control…

Incredible - what went on in academe, at WARWICK in the 1990s.

As JANE FITZGERALD said to me once…in 1989 at DARTINGTON…she was herself a beautiful white-faced RED-HEAD (Renaissance looks)…the ill are so blatant in their wickedness, that it is actually funny…in relation to the ill cult within the ART department, at that point in time…and she recommended that I would ‘laugh about it later on’…presumably the passing of time would heal everything…and in a funny way, it did….

...and yes, that was the 'lecture' that I went out for a cup of water...met GILL in the corridor...was shown the ill cult 'cupboard' and found the 'bag of sugar'...and told the POLICE about it...who then went in and 'did whatever they did'...

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