Saturday, 26 March 2011

Okay, after having a bath…I realised quite a few more things:

The first golden rule:

BEES are a very simple form of life - HUMAN BEINGS are highly sophisticated.

Therefore having A and Z chromosomes was not an appropriate model (based upon the human X and Y chromosome).

You only need ONE chromosome and so we shall call it Z.

Secondly, that I could ‘see’ HULBRUSCH’s animations to music…the AMERICAN MCGEE’S ALICE sound track for example…where you have two DOTS that are equidistant - and they keep ‘shooting electricity’ at each other…like the two hemispheres of the brain.

Put simply - you have Z which can be ACTIVE or DORMANT.

One lot of Z is DORMANT.

Two lots of Z becomes ACTIVE - see the above model.

Thirdly, that the QUEEN BEE is ZZ but that her EGGS are always Z…they need a second injection of Z to become ACTIVE.

ZZ active DNA bees - have had the KNOWLEDGE of how to run and maintain a BEEHIVE activated.

Z DRONES do not have the ‘knowledge’ - they are just PENISES…or perhaps one SACK OF SPERM which they shoot into the QUEEN and once they have lost this SACK because they are no longer useful…they are expelled from the hive - why else would they be expelled?

Anyway, it is all theory - because it can only be proved by scientists…and the ill cult have deliberately mystified the whole thing because of the CHALDEAN CIA BEEHIVE cult.


I then thought about the JESUITS and the CHINESE MAGICIAN.

They were like a Z DRONE which has lost its ‘sack of sperm’. In point of fact they had neither testis or a penis.

This was because they wanted HIGHER KNOWLEDGE and to do that - they didn’t want any distractions - they wanted to kill the SEX IMPULSE stonedead - in order to concentrate upon being receptive to the world in a way that wasn’t possible - if you are under the influence of ‘bodily compulsions’.

The JESUITS and CHINESE MAGICIAN were not a ‘gay priestly order’ - they were serious about eschewing SEX per se…with anybody or anything- as well as masturbation.

Neither were they ‘hermaphrodites’.

…and they gained the highest knowledge of all which I shall term:


The LYNCH phrase from TWIN PEAKS…’fire walk with me’…is all about CHALDEAN BEEHIVE nonsense and VOLCANOES…as far as I am concerned.

The CHINESE had an ‘earthy model’ to begin with…the changing seasons of Nature.

Look at ST PAUL - I would guess that he was an early prototype of the JESUIT order.


He eschewed sex per se…he knew that in order to explore the highest dimensions of human knowledge…that one had to be disciplined…and okay, he seems rather ‘unworldly’ in his letters to various churches…but one can see the ‘reality’ behind it:

For example - critics have said that he was a MISOGYNST and anti-female in general…because he goes on about people disturbing a service by TALKING IN TONGUES and PROPHESYING etc etc…

What had happened?


By putting people through what I tend to call ‘water torture’ I.e. drowning them, resuscitating them after an OBE/NDE…people tend to develop what we call extra-sensory perception…’second sight’…you name it…

PAUL and his followers had created whole churches of MINOR PROPHETS….people who were using and abusing these ‘gifts’ of higher knowledge.

PAUL was basically saying to them…look, I am the real PROPHET LEADER here, shut up the rest of you and listen…because things were becoming ‘anarchic’…

One wonders…when one looks at the whole picture…there was a terrible CLAMPDOWN by the CATHOLIC CHURCH…by the VATICAN…because by the late 1960s…in PARIS…that Catholic seminary…the priests were being used and abused as MIND CONTROL SLAVE experimentees…by their ‘lords and masters’…somebody had taken the ‘way to higher knowledge’ - somewhere, down the line, and turned it into a way to create MIND CONTROL SLAVES…and within the CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD to create ‘men without souls’…’total robots’…to be used for spying abroad, presumably…

Anyway, what is my overall point here?

JESUITS and CHINESE MAGICIANS were DRONES…those who lacked ‘sacks’…eunuchs…but they were capable of the highest knowledge.

In the CHALDEAN BEEHIVE cult - these men were thrown out of the HIVE to perish.

Look at THE AGE OF KINGS in the bible.

MOSES had a hard time getting his people to follow him but by the AGE OF KINGS it was much, much worse…PROPHETS were thrown out of society…forced to the margins, to almost starve to death.

THE AGE OF KINGS was all about the transformation of early HEBREW SOCIETY into a CHALDEAN BEEHIVE cult - BABYLONIAN SOCIETY…

…and PROPHETS had become DRONES - they were seen as useless…droning on…ridiculous FOOLS on their hills…left to starve.

The AGE of primitive PENIS worship had begun within HEBREW society…and it began with KINGS…MONARCHIES.

So you can see how the CHALDEAN BEEHIVE system is the complete opposite of societies which truly seek enlightenment and higher knowledge.

Look at PLATO…he used the BEEHIVE as a model…how wrong he was…the CATHOLIC and PROTESTANT CHURCHES had got it right….the ‘humanists’ had got it wrong. HUMAN BEINGS were much, much more than a ‘beehive society’.

The way to higher knowledge isn’t by being a useless ‘penis’ drone…nor is it by initiating a ‘gay priesthood’ and homosexual/homosocial culture…nor is it about the worship of sacred prostitutes or ‘hermaphrodites’…it is about discipline, self-control and understanding…the SEX INSTINCT can lead you astray the most, in life…it can make you desperately unhappy…or ecstatic…it can make you ‘go off your head’…as the INDIANS knew…it is a ‘science’ to be understood…the KARMA SUTRA for example…


I wondered why I tended to consistently spell CHROMOSOME wrongly…and then realised:

The Swiss German word for SUN is SONNE


CHROMA-KEY (what is that NIGHT GARDEN mother figure - makey pakey?)



…I then remembered the SATANIC PRINCESSES at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…they had begun to call the men - their ‘periods’…I am not joking…they would look at them scornfully and call them ‘a period’ dismissively “you‘re just a period, a bloody mess“ etc etc…so yes, they had obviously worked out the BEEHIVE ‘DRONE’ thing…DRONES were like ‘menstruation’ to them…

Secondly, the ill cult had decided to hold a BEAUTY COMPETITION and the SATANIC PRINCESSES were the judges.

Who was on stage?

All of the TEMPLARS but in their GIRL CHILD ALTERS.

You see - the ill cult had decided to choose a new UBER QUEEN BEE and of course it had to ‘be a bloke’ but a ‘bloke in a girl child alter’….

So these men paraded up and down the catwalk, dressed as a woman…FATI, MARTINE…I cannot remember the other girls’ names…anyway, all of them…CAMERON and MILIBAND included…all of the minor QUEEN BEES (and so yes, the lineup would have included SCARLETT)…and yes, PRINCE WILLIAM was chosen as UBER QUEEN BEE - no contest.

‘LUCY’ had become our new QUEEN BEE - PRINCE WILLIAM’s girl child alter.


I then remembered something to do with DORMANT dna…




…the doorman who falls asleep in ALICE IN WONDERLAND…was that the ‘fish in livery’ I cannot quite remember…

DORMIR - to sleep, in French…

Finally, I remembered that curious pop group called ZZ TOP…spinning ZZ chromosomes…what were they all about?

Also STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN appeared to circle the above topic in some way…

Put simply and in summary…the CHALDEAN BEEHIVE cult had turned PROPHETS into DRONES and tried to turn them out of their societies.

In CHINESE and JAPANESE culture and folklore…the OLD MAN is a very respected force…according to MANNEKE…but in our BEEHIVE culture…he is that ‘old drone’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about…

MANNEKE was of Chinese descent but of INDONESIAN nationality...he lived upon JAVA...I visited JAVA in previous notes.

MANNEKE was talking about how OLD MEN should be respected for what they know...down the generations...for my own part, I agreed with him almost immediately...I knew that 'old men' had 'understood' me in a way that i wasn't quite sure that I understood myself...but they always had the 'right words' to make me feel better about myself....and I analysed it and figured 'no sexual come-ons...thank G-d for that one'...these guys were past that one and could think with their brains rather than their penises... was rather like MARK R loving to listen to 'old ladies' - his favourite social grouping - I am not kidding "because you learn so much") I had found 'old men' the most sympathetic and understanding of all people, young or old...they used to look at me with a wry smile and a 'you'll survive it all' sort of look...after giving me a 'few words of wisdom'...I always liked old men because of it...MARK R hated them....what knowledge could you get from 'old men'? He had never gained anything 'useful'...'old women' knew it all...


Finally, I can remember making the BRITISH COUNCIL and BI BEES in PRAGUE very angry indeed…

The PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD had been set-up by the ROYALS and TASCHMANS to take a tumble in self-respect and self-esteem…he was already very depressed and prone to tears…a bit of a MOCK TURTLE…

He couldn’t hear out of one ear…because his father used to beat him around the head so often…and he used to have a big problem in class…and had to get there early to sit close to the front and upon my right side in order to hear what I was saying…apart from that - as no doubt TOBY MACKLIN and his wife would agree…this guy was proficient in English…probably his second language after German (all ill cult slaves were supposed to have German as a first language- whatever their nationality)…but he had opted to do a CAMBRIDGE ADVANCED EXAM certificate - not the PROFICIENCY one…because as he was to say to me ‘it’s a new exam that I am interested in’…not a reason to take an expensive exam, that I had ever come across before, in 3 years of EFL teaching but there you go…I thought him ‘eccentric’…he was a polyglot and knew at least 7 or 8 languages…

Anyway, when it came to exam time…he asked me to ensure that the room and accoustics would be all right…and that those with ‘hearing disabilities’ would be catered for…and I promised that I would do so.

I did so - but was blocked by MALCOLM downstairs at every turn…he was the teacher trainer coordinator who was organising the various ‘exam rooms’ around PRAGUE…held in colleges/schools etc where they had rented out classrooms for this CAE ‘listening paper’ exam.

I asked him about QUALITY CONTROL…I simply wanted to reassure students with a hearing disability that their needs would be met…and yet MALCOLM was so cagey about it all…yes he was in charge of it…he named a school or two but couldn’t give me specifics…room numbers or the time and day of the exam etc etc…I kept on and on at him, in the politest way possible - in the couple of weeks leading up to the exam…until he got rude and snappy…and that was when I gave up.

I wasn’t allowed to know and I certainly wasn’t allowed - even as a member of the British Council, to go along to ascertain that the tape-recorder was working properly - that it was placed in the right location within the room for the acoustics to be at an optimum level etc etc…even though I had been an INVILIGATOR of these exams before…and also an EXAMINER…not this time - no special privileges in that area...

Anyway, the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD came back to me furious…the tape-recorder in his classroom had VIBRATED to the extent that nobody in the room could understand a word upon it…the INVIGILATORS (native English speakers) had admitted at the end of it…that they hadn’t understood a word either and promised to complain to CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS EXAMS. The ROTHSCHILD had formed a network with the people in that classroom and they were writing/emailing/telephoning CUP but nobody had got a response…there was a ‘helpdesk number’ but nobody had ever managed to get through…it just ‘rang’ and nobody answered it.

As I was later to find out at the CIA LAB - it was a telephone in an empty, unmanned office…nobody ever answered it.

Anyway, none of these students ever got a reply…and they all ‘dropped a grade’…luckily they all passed…but even so…they were all furious.

The ROTHSCHILD got a ‘B’ instead of an ‘A’…even though he was ‘native speaker level’ and he was FURIOUS…and took it out on me somewhat…accosting me with ‘you promised to sort it all out’…and that was when I got furious too…

…and so - whilst standing in for him at the PRAGUE CASTLE frequency desk…I decided to do what SUE had realised…in the LANGLEY SENIORS radio room…in my child alter…I decided to pay those bastards back for that one, using the tannoy system…I found out their names…those responsible upon the networks…and told them all to bang their head against a wall, four times a day…for 3 weeks…that would knock some sense into them all…

SCARLETT must have realised it was me…I was then tortured horribly into the ground by the TASCHMANNS and PRINCES…he must have worked it out in relation to TODDY…

I hadn’t told the ROTHSCHILD but he liked me even more after that one, after he had found out…I had a very protective streak for those that I liked…

Anyway, you can imagine what happened to the culprits…

“I have that irrepressible urge to bang my head against a brick wall again…” "don't do it - calm down"..."no, I've just got to...aaaargh!"

I bet a lot of them ended up in psychotherapy…and I know that MALCOLM went off sick for a while…

I can also ‘see’ MARK R and MCDONALD:

“Okay - how does ‘bang your head against a brick wall syndrome' sound to you? Can we sell it as a NEW SYNDROME - treatable by RITALIN?”

“ummm…’bang your head against the wall syndrome’ isn’t working for me - a bit too far-fetched….”

In retrospect, of course I can see that my punishment of the BEES was futile...I should have been after their MASTERS...

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