A memory came back around CHICKEN KORMA with HELEN and MIKE WILLIAM’s friends in B’ham in the early 1980s…they used to ‘go for a Balti’ on a Friday night and I joined them quite a few times…this had become a ‘tradition’ for many teenagers, young people in B’ham and there was what was once called the ‘curry mile’ - a street of almost wall to wall Indian restaurants, leading into B’HAM. Anyway, this group of friends favoured one particular restaurant - the one from which the ‘ROGUE AND DOSH‘ joke came from (meaning the ROYALS)…to have a Balti in…and I found Baltis too strong…so I had a quick look down the menu and I ‘know’ that this would have been something to do with reading CORE phonetically…KORMA…the waiter was surprised…and I had to ask twice…it was number whatever it was…look on the menu, here it is…do you have it? He eventually said that they did…and then a woman came out of the kitchens laughing ‘if that’s what she wants, she can have it’…so I got a KORMA…HELEN tried it, loved it…then another person on the table…until it was passed down the table and up again with almost everybody trying it…and then one of them rang his friends, who hadn’t gone out that night…and told them to go out and try a CHICKEN KORMA…two of the group then ordered a Korma - although they were already full up and could hardly manage another meal…you see this was all about FOOD programming and KORMA unlocked something…and this group of friends knew it…they were immediately on to it….(and being ‘good sorts’ they paid for mine, as they had eaten some of it).
The next memory to come back was of being in a ‘self-contained flat’ holiday hotel with MARTINE…MARK R and MCDONALD were down the corridor…and this is where it gets really weird…I ‘knew’ that I had to keep MARTINE safe - from going HYPOTHERMIC…HI PO (microchip contacted)…and the rest, I am unsure….THE MIC…HYPOTHERMIA….HI PO THE ‘MIA’…THE ‘MIR’…and so on.
I managed to do so…having bought a PINK MOHAIR jumper on green tap…MO alter ‘hairs’…networks….memory back…and the usual…as in hot banana milk (mashed up - I didn’t have a ‘whizzer’)…hot water bottles…an evening meal of lasagne…vegetarian and meat…
I also managed to keep MARK R and MCDONALD out of our flat by getting the local police to threaten them with arrest for a ‘breach of the peace’ in relation to banging upon our door…and their passports were taken away…I can remember remote-viewing them, sitting in their room…MARK R telling MCDONALD that they had lost, their frequency networks didn’t have the power that they used to have - whatever that meant…the ROYAL networks…the hotel was in the ‘lowlands’ as far as I am aware…
Oh, yes and that was the evening that MARTINE had shown me the ice-pick, which I threw out of the window - over a fence and into the hedge beyond…where MARK R and MCDONALD couldn’t retrieve it…
I then remembered - what that DUDE ALERT photomontage was all about and it went like this:
GILL and myself - as well as ROZ and MCDONALD were back in the CIA LAB after the above…and it was at that point that I spotted PRINCE WILLIAM walking down the corridor…and alerted the others…
“I’ve seen a GHOST…”
He came in, sat down facing GILL (who was at SC’s computer) and MCDONALD…
He told them ‘you have won, in a way - I am now going to take RABBIT back to the UK…’ I refused to go.
MCDONALD asked him if it was true…was he really an IRISH JOO - were they IRISH JOOS from GALWAY?…and if so, why had they kept it secret.
PRINCE WILLIAM replied that they were…and that they had kept it secret because they thought that people would ‘think less of us for it’…
Nobody laughed but you can see the ‘humour’ involved.
Firstly - as SCARLETT’s network were to say: “IRISH JOO - the worst racial slur out…meaning ‘mental and money-grabbing’…
Secondly, the ROYALS had kept it secret…yes, they had kept a lot about themselves secret…’space lizards’ who laid their eggs in other people’s nests via the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT - then promoted their own cuckoo children, all over the world…ate human babies…and had some insane demonic BAPHOMET TEMPLAR religion to boot…
The 13 TRIBES…now I know where MR ICKE got his 13 BLOODLINES from…except that BI were to find out that it was all about some horrific, satanic MERCANTILE class which had settled in GALWAY…the TASCHMANNS were one of those tribes…and so were the LYNCH family…the LYNCH MOB from SWEDEN…
These 13 TRIBES had behaved like LIZARDS in almost every way…cold-blooded to the nth degree and hell-bent upon world domination…I cannot remember when or where they had managed to ‘run the BRITISH MONARCHY’ in history but they had done…and look at what they had done to IRELAND…
All of those MAGDALENE COLLEGES/NUNNERIES/ORPHANAGES…’battery-farmed eggs’…horrific beyond belief. The horrific heart of the LIZARD cult - was in IRELAND - it was all so obvious, in retrospect.
…the ESMERALDAs had found them out…I have renewed respect for LAURA DERN…by getting that film made - she had forced the lid off the top of the LYNCH family…and then the whole can of worms began to ‘make sense’…MARTINE had the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT at her finger tips…in GILL’s office…
The FFRENCH family…we had followed up a drug-dealer, who was studying LAW at ESSEX (the only other main ‘dealer‘ apart from KV the Iranian)…called ‘Frenchie’…he was of Irish descent supposedly although his accent was English…he was an important lead…in relation to getting the GALWAY lizards…the Ffrench castle in GALWAY…is now up for sale upon the internet…
SONIA gave us some very important advice…but I cannot remember precisely what she meant as such - the clue was this:
ANODISE THE CRAB - as far as I am aware…probably meaning the ‘soup of the atmosphere’…you know that school experiment with ANODES/CATHODES…was it copper rods in solution which could make the electro-magnetic forces change…I cannot remember at all …but I am sure that this was something to do with what SONIA was laying down as a clue to repairing the world…saving us from LIZARD frequencies…
GILL had decided that he was a BRONZE/COPPER shade…so he was hinting at that one too…
The name ANATOLE came up too…
I suppose that the simple image is this:
Two metal rods - two MAGNETIC POLES...and if you do it right...you can change the CHEMICAL SOLUTION of the atmosphere, around this planet...to defeat 'LIZARD' frequencies.
Finally, this memory came up:
MARK R and MCDONALD putting me into a child alter, dressing me up in BEEKEEPER dress…they had taken me down the side passage of a suburban house, into the garden…at the bottom of this garden were BEEHIVES…and over the fence was countryside…so located, on the edge of the countryside but I have no idea where…
Anyway, unbeknownst to me…MARK R had put a sleepy BEE into the headgear….I was then told to go and steal a ‘honey comb’ from one of the hives…I did so…the bee began to wake up and try to fly around…I freaked out….ran back down the garden…MARK R and MCDONALD were laughing…I ran at MARK R who turned to run and smeared the honeycomb ‘rectangle’ upon his fleeing back…I then threw it at MCDONALD who was behind me…to the far side of the garden…I then made a mad dash for the house…let myself into the backdoor extension and then ‘knew’ to lock it after me…a little metal box lock ‘slide catch’…and then I took the mask off…I had several bees in there with me…and I ran upstairs…got into the shower…and a couple of bees got wet and went down the plughole…one ‘got tired’ I suppose…and when I had dared to come out of the shower again…fully clothed…but without the BEEKEEPER gear on…I saw that the last bee was ‘sleepy’…crawling along the window…
SCARLETT then entered the bathroom…somebody else was outside…and he asked me to check carefully for beestings…I was so ‘paranoid’ by that point…that as I had an itch on my scalp…maybe that was a sting…SCARLETT checked in my hair and replied that it wasn’t…if it was a beesting…you would have really felt it…and it didn’t come up as a sting…
Anyway, SCARLETT then had a brief ‘confab’ with the other man… the bees were too angry…they would have to exterminate the HIVES down the garden…swarming all over the place…
Back at the CIA LAB we remote-viewed what had happened…MARK R and MCDONALD had raced to their car…they didn’t have the front door keys to the house, pursued by the bees….they got in and began to kill the bees that had got in with them…MCDONALD got stung and began to freak out - that he was ‘allergic’ to bee stings…then MARK R got stung too…on the back of the neck…
It was all ‘highly symbolic’ in some way and relating to CIA HIVES…I suppose that the BEES represented ‘angry information gatherers’…that is what is so terrible about all of it…SCARLETT ordering certain HIVES to be exterminated…
The fact that I hadn’t got stung - was remarkable. What was supposed to happen…was probably something to do with CANDYMAN programming…I was supposed to take the hat off…get stung all over my face and pass out, I suppose…for daring to try to be a BEEKEEPER…but it didn’t turn out that way…MARK R and MCDONALD got stung, instead of me…
…as far as I know…in relation to CANDYMAN programming…once you had been ‘stung almost to death’…like the CANDYMAN you become a malevolent GHOST…watch the movie…you end up murdering people all over the place…so thank goodness I wasn’t stung…that is all I can say…
Perhaps that is why I gave the rest of the CIA LAB the tip off “I’ve just seen a GHOST” in relation to PRINCE WILLIAM…
This is all about the CHALDEAN BEEHIVE CULT…and maybe this particular torture….really sent people off their heads….the film frightened the crap out of most people…
Secondly we have the URBAN SPACEMAN image…because that is what you feel like with all of that BEEKEEPER clobber on…
Urban Spacemen who are BEEKEEPERS.
NASA for example - famous for its SPACE CADETS.
I then remembered what EISENHOWER was all about…he appeared to be quite harmless…he was a favourite of PRINCE PHILIP…just a ‘pretty boy actor’ for most of his life…all of his life in the military, in point of fact…and the reason that he had been decorated with so many MEDALS was probably because he didn’t want them…the ROYALS kept on giving them to him…but he didn’t seem to care either way…if he had coveted them, he wouldn’t have been given them…that is how the LIZARDS work…anyway, EISENHOWER was as docile as a lamb and totally obedient…he never got on the wrong side of any of them…
Once I had remembered the above last night…in the early hours of the morning after several weird dreams… and one dream included the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD and my brother HUMPHREY…I didn’t like their plans and I had decided to split with them…and I escaped out of the building - a massive one…and down some sort of rockery…to meet up with SONIA and MARK…anyway, once I had remembered the above…the FIRE ALARM started to give its ‘CHEEP CHEEP’ sound again….it is still cheeping this morning…the usual ‘low battery signal’…except that it doesn’t have a battery in it as far as I can remember…somebody turns it ‘on and off’ to signify something…so no point in bothering to go through the usual rigamarole…changing the battery, testing it etc etc…somebody has to replace it at some point…but nobody at CHP or PHELAN or that other ‘electrical company from MANCHESTER’…nobody appears to want to do so…see previous notes….in relation to how many times I have tried to get it ‘seen’ to without success.
As far as I can remember…it is a ‘death toll’ being recorded…as more of the ill die…not nice, eh?
Anyway, in relation to BEEKEEPERS…whilst in RUSSELL’s office at the TOWN HALL in relation to accommodation…he handed me a list of COUNCIL emergency numbers…lots of them…the ‘usual’ and then a few ‘oddities’ at the bottom of the page…and as far as I can remember, this included three BEEKEEPER numbers…and I thought ‘how funny’…underneath PEST CONTROL - you have BEEKEEPER numbers…on this ‘COUNCIL telephone contact numbers’ sheet…
I then remembered…circa 2003...BI getting interested in the BEEKEEPERS of the area…and taking me out to a farm within TENDRING somewhere to meet a beekeeper…it wasn’t the same place…it wasn’t that suburban house…and I didn’t’ know why I had told BI to follow up on the numbers upon that sheet….which is what they were doing….only that RIMINGTON had told me that they were ‘important’…
I couldn’t remember the SUBURBAN house with the beehives behind it - that memory had been BLOCKED…so I couldn’t tell BI what I had been through, at that point in time.
Finally, I went back in time…to being a toddler…with my Swiss grandmother…pushing the pushchair…whilst I was running down the path by the heath…this was in BLACKHEATH…our daily excursion was to walk to BLACKHEATH VILLAGE or the park…anyway, I saw a DANDELION in full bloom and there was this large insect on it…YELLOW and BLACK striped…I had never ever seen a bee before…it was huge…maybe it was a QUEEN BEE…it was that big…so naturally I was fascinated…ran up to it and picked it up off the dandelion between finger and thumb…I then let it crawl over my thumb…and it stung me…suddenly I was bawling with fear…my grandmother ran up to me…she could see the black STING sticking out of my thumb and she immediately sucked and spat it out…and then tried to suck the venom out of my thumb too…spitting it out…
As I bawled on the way home…quietening down, in the end…my grandmother told me off…she was very angry with me…she told me that it was a waste of a life…a human being died every time a BEE died…I told her that this was rubbish…she upset me a lot…but she appeared to believe that this was true…human lives were linked to bees and that you must never kill them or a person died…and once that bee had stung me…it would die…that meant a person would die…and it was such a waste.
Friday, 25 March 2011
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