Saturday, 26 March 2011

In fact GILL even laughed at me...saying that he must be a MR TOWNSEND to my CATHERINE...TODDY had told me that I was a 'catherine' who had to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing - to remain alone at all costs...and GILL made me so can see why i kept on splitting up with you're a TOWNSEND are you, so GET LOST type of feeling...besides, my so-called DOWRY (an 'intelligence payment') was then given to my sister, by my father...

Anyway, we have this curious line:

"In ancient Egypt, the bee was seen to symbolize the lands of Lower Egypt, with the Pharaoh being referred to as "He of Sedge and Bee" (the sedge representing Upper Egypt)."

I can remember that there was a FALSE NOTE around the 'sedge'...something wrong here...MARK R and MCDONALD inventing something...and looking up what SEDGE means...I can remember MARK R getting fascinated by GRASSES:

GRASSES...and this will relate to MOSES/MO-SIS programming eh - BASKET CASE?

...and also most probably...that type of woven BEEHIVE...

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