Sunday, 27 March 2011

In this video we get an 'overall view' of microchipping - how it has been pushed within the media. I was struck by the mention of the PLD - PEOPLE LOCATOR DEVICE...because the guy who was pushing it on US TV...told the interviewer that it was implanted near to the clavicle bone and he pointed to his right shoulder.

Now - in 2003 and in France - I became aware (once dumped back at the chateau by the ill) that I had a large lump within the 'V' of the clavicle bone of my right it had never been a 'spot' and I do not get spots upon my back or shoulders (and it had just appeared from nowhere - in my early forties)...yes, it looked like an ingrown spot...a hardened 'lump' produced by a sebaceous gland, deep beneath the skin but it wasn't that...and I 'knew' it - I tried to get it out...with no success - far too deeply buried.

That was the year that PETRONELLA and myself had organised a 'wake up' call to all of those who had been microchipped by TOMLINSON at the TEMPLAR see it wasn't just the shoulder implant - TOMLINSON had also injected everybody's left ear with a microchip - but we figured that a 'water jet' would get it out...and therefore alerted everybody to have their ears syringed at the doctor's (ostensibly to get the wax out)...

Anyway, I still have the 'lump' is a photo of it - barely visible upon this photo but one can see 'something' under the skin - that is because I didn't manage to have it removed but 'wiped the chip' with a NEODYMIUM MAGNET...which can 'wipe' just about any electronic device...including laptops.

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