Monday, 28 March 2011

...PJ and BJ...was this posted by SCARLETT? His new blog - is currently talking about 11:11

PJ said...
Interesting! Years ago I posted about a bizarre thing where I saw 11:11 everywhere. This started in 1993 with me, shortly after a kundalini rising and clearly still in the throes of it. It's less common now but still happens, but it was overwhelming back then. Around 2000, Rhea White (of Exceptional Human Experiences Network) asked if I'd ever heard of anyone else having that and I said no, but I googled and it turned out it was huge and so common it was hilarious, had a whole field of superstition around it no less.

The only thing I relate that number to, is something else that started with me during that era and which I tend to go on about on my psiche blog ( a lot. Basically a sort of four-fold soul structure (I know it sounds very odd), each are one, we are 'two and two', and that number sort of represents it in a concept and visual sense. Also ties in somehow to DNA (two and two), I guess... I don't know, it's all very confusing!

2:19 PM

The psiche blog is apparently 'dodgy' according to NORTON but I found something else:
Prudence Calabrese?

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