Saturday, 26 March 2011

"Bees, like ants, are a specialized form of wasp."

Now, that reminds me...of that horrific 'bed bug' infestation at my parents' NORFOLK rented holiday house...which TOMLINSON had 'set up' for them - to store all of their furniture from France...

Anyway, my mother went through the phone book...trying to find a company who would exterminate the pests...only to ring up one firm and to be totally non-plussed...she rang them up a few times in fact...but was put off by the secretary/woman who answered the relation to 'they're off exterminating WASPS'...apparently that was their main 'job' as it were, exterminating many jobs to do, all over the place...


My swiss grandmother used to hurt me with stinging comments...and i used to retaliate as a child, with stinging comments back...whereupon she would call me a insect which preys upon other WASPS prey upon BEES?


MARK R called you a BUMBLEBEE...didn't he GILL (see ampersand duck) if MARTINE was a 'queen bee' of this type of really have to watch out....because the 'honey bees' apparently sting her to death...

"Bumblebee queens sometimes seek winter safety in honey bee hives, where they are sometimes found dead in the spring by beekeepers, presumably stung to death by the honey bees. It is unknown whether any survive winter in such an environment."

BUMBLEBEE and DUMBLEDORE...I can remember SCARLETT grumbling about something around that he had to go into 'hibernation' during the winter...or face assassination...

EUSOCIAL BEES...a 'mother and her daughters'...PRINCE PHILIP and his TEMPLAR 'sons' who were all programmed as TUTANKHAMEN - a child alter that believed they were the imperial son of the ROYAL HOUSE of Egypt - otherwise known as ROYAL ARCH the TEMPLARS were an EUSOCIAL set-up?

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