Saturday, 2 October 2010

Thinking about brain processes and the way that they work…and how as children we were told to rub our tommies in circular motion (by my father and MR FISHWICK) whilst tapping the top of our heads with the other hand and how difficult that was…and we were ‘assessed’ on how robotic are reactions were to this one…did we strike up a rhythm to do it…two taps per circular motion…or could one do it in an unsyncopated way…which is the way that they DIDN’T LIKE and wanted to get rid of that ability…

JAZZ music has always been seen to be very clever in this way…’avoiding entrapment by the robotiques of music perhaps - my spellcheck has just changed roboticismto ‘robotiques…what is that?…

Anyway, if you try to do ‘I AM POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL‘…this is really quite hard…and I can remember TODDY getting me to practice it - whilst at the BROOKS house upon St Bernards Road…

The first’movement’ - taking the ‘invisible egg’ from your Morehead is …and it has happened again because I still have that FRENCH ‘options’ thing on…I will take it off and change the above word…now why would spellcheck change the word ‘forehead’ to Morehead?

Now I KNOW that something strange is going on…why would a FRENCH ‘grammar and style’ along with a FRENCH thesaurus…change ‘forehead’ to ‘Morehead’?

I can tell you why…whilst having a bath this morning I saw MILIBAND and OSBORNE discussing how unbearable it was, that I had outed this MI6 programmer’s code.

Reading back through this post - I typed in TUMMIES and not TOMMIES...the spellcheck altered it to TOMMIES...and also OUR to tell me what is going on?

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