I want 'closure' upon this one - has the ill cult agreed to stop eating babies or not?
I asked CAROLE upon CAROLINE's blog:
If you scroll down the page and click on PAGE 3 - you will get her last answers:
Define your terms:
Do you want an ISLAMIC CRESCENT MOON - symbolising the aborting of women at 3 months pregnancy and the eating of her baby in front of her or do you want a FULL MOON of full memories back, however horrific, in order to stop the ill cult?
Posted by Parker on Friday, October 29, 2010 - 15:43
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You see the ISLAMIC ill and their MASONS lied, as they always do....part of their culture even more so than JOOISH culture to LIE, LIE AND LIE AGAIN...
They eat more BABIES than any other religion per capita....and not just because..."hold on" says ROZ "they eat as many babies as the JOOS per head"...I eventually won the argument by working out the maths that we were looking at...56% to the ISLAMICS and 44% to the JOOS...even though JOOS are a tiny percentile of this population...we now have to look at their CUCKOOS...
Those of us inducted into the ill cult and told that we were JOOS even though NONE OF US would be allowed ISRAELI CITIZENSHIP...we were supposed to slavishly help these ROTTEN APPLES...see previous notes upon how many people were numbered to be 'secret or not so secret joos'...
A bit of an ANOMALY there, eh?
If you are a REAL JOO...then you should be allowed CITIZENSHIP of ISRAEL yeah?
The LIARS who pretend to be JOOS are allowed immediate access to this ZIONIST country because they have the MONEY to join the CLUB.
Those who were 'indigenous joos' are few and far between - ARAB JOOS - who sided with the ARAB MUSLIMS because of their ethnicity...and that isn't a good number...all BLOOD-SUCKING ZIONISTS says MCDONALD....yes the term hasn't been applied to ARABS yet but it is true...TADCO etc...
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