I went to the cash point today and knowing that my last benefits payment was supposed to have gone in on the 4th October…then the next fortnightly payment should have gone in on the 28th Oct….today is the 30th Oct and it hasn’t gone in…maybe the payments vary if they fall upon a weekend…so I will check up on MONDAY to see what is going on…I ‘know’ that something rather odd is going on here…perhaps the ill cult have been skipping payments and putting them in ‘ad hoc’ here and there…you see once that benefit started to come in and I had quite a bit in my account…I didn’t check as much as I should have done upon my monthly statements…but I do know that the last payment should have gone in on the 4th but it didn’t for some reason…and then appeared later on - or a few days earlier…so who knows what the ill are up to…their main objective is to drain my bank account of money in any way that they can…how sick are they?
Upon the note of the HSBC - I still haven’t got my ‘pin number’ for my credit card…and that is also ‘overdue’ as it were…
I haven’t run out of money - but I am sensing ill cult FRAUD all of the way…
Perhaps the ill paid my benefit in too early and now want to PROSECUTE me for not noticing that one…perhaps I should have ‘repaid’ it because it was paid too early…you see just how sick these people are?
Additionally, today I noticed that OSBORNE has apparently cut HOUSING BENEFITS…another sickness of the ill cult…they say that they will pay your full rent but they have never ever paid mine…and every time I wanted to find somewhere to live…and from teenage years…I was told by BENEFITS that they would only fund the cheapest accommodation possible…the worst BEDSIT in the city…the cheapest on offer…and these were SO HARD to find…they only came up on the market ‘once in a blue moon’…
…and on top of that - BENEFITS wouldn’t pay the full rent…so I always had to ‘top up’ from my JOB SEEKER’S ALLOWANCE…to the tune of at least £15 per month...and so in point of fact…I was living upon just over £40 per week (try paying your bills out of that) and for most of my life…in the UK.
That is how sick the ill cult are and why I decided to kill all of them - if I didn’t get the HARRY POTTER money back in full - every single penny.
Yes, some of the time, I was being starved, tortured and beaten - whilst working for the CIA at GREEN TOWER in the USA…as well as put through the worst psychological bullying and mind control programming, imaginable - by MARK R and his cronies…but that wasn’t ‘all of the time’ - the rest of my life was spent in miserable damp bedsits, in the UK.
Whilst working for GREEN TOWER - I made massive amounts of money for them - ghost-writing best-selling novels with ROZ…articles for the UK newspapers…acting as PR consultant…taking photos…brainstorming solutions to anything and everything, that MARK R put to us as a team…in this way, the CRAZY COMPANY were all GOLDEN GEESE to MARK R and not just GILL.
In fact, MCDONALD was the biggest creative GOLDEN GOOSE of us all - and to this end - he had a larger ‘income’ per month than the rest of us - but I bet he wasn’t even allowed to ‘own’ the flat that he lived in.
“The ROCKEFELLERS are disgusting people” the networks are saying. Yes, ‘and then some‘…as the Americans would say. They put the ‘base’ into debasement.
Debasement of the entire world.
Although one has to say that they were simply acting by example…you see PRINCE PHILIP figured that he was SATAN…MARK R figured that he was the DEVIL (and wanted to be just like the ROYALS but worse - to be ‘better‘ at it than them)…you see how ludicrously insane, all of these ill cult people were?
I am not saying that TOMLINSON deserved it (but I am really)…he wanted to be KING HA’SATAN of the SABBATEAN joos/islamics…who would overthrow both the ROYALS and the ROCKEFELLERS…
MR D’AJANI knew it in 1980...and arranged for ‘psychic protection’ of myself…because otherwise that evil bastard would have either managed to kill me off or got a handle upon what I could do - in the higher dimensions.
TOMLINSON had been sent mad from early childhood…he was not ‘retrievable’.
I was thinking about XMAS card designs this morning because my mother had told me to ‘make XMAS cards for the family’ and we don’t want ‘shop bought’ stuff…and I wondered what she might want me to produce?
I then thought back to XMAS 1980...still sunny but less warm, in JERUSALEM…the BI COURSE were all in the IMPERIAL HOTEL…it was however, locked up to outsiders…nobody else allowed in…(anybody who has ever found this hotel ‘discreet entrance’ will know just how ‘discreet’ it is…down the alleyway).
Anyway, my memory of FATI…as in TOMLINSON - came back to me vividly…along with the huge XMAS TREE with RED/WHITE ‘humphrey’ crooks…like sticks of ROCK, all over it…that was in the ‘lounge’…TOMLINSON was in the hallway…entirely naked…6 foot 4 inches…in BLACK high-heeled shoes…and standing in front of TODDY who was calling to him:
“FATI, FATI you have grown so tall…”
An XMAS CARD design?
So yes, the idea of putting together an image of ‘FATI’ and that XMAS tree in the MODERN IMPERIAL hotel, did cross my mind, this morning…but then I decided against it.
The other ‘funny memory’ that I remembered of TOMLINSON and it preys upon my mind…was of GILL and TOMLINSON in the night-time, around ESSEX UNIVERSITY CAMPUS….PETRA PHELPS had seen them together in 1982...and she had reported it back to IAN RICKSON and co…the pair of them were holding hands…
Cue the CIA LAB remote-viewing that one, ROZ cracked up in giggles…yes it was a funny image an the conversation was even funnier…coupled with the image…picture this:
Two male SATANISTS…mean and moody…looking like ‘death’…deep, dark frowns on their faces…wearing BLACK…(pointy shoes in the case of GILL)…the picture of SATANIC MAJESTY you might think…scaring everybody who crossed their path…
They didn’t scare PETRA PHELPS…because they were holding hands like two little girlies and TOMLINSON was swinging GILL’s hand up and down as if they were on a merry-go-round. No wonder the CIA LAB pissed themselves, at that image. GILL at 5 foot 10 but a much slighter frame (and much shorter) looked so ‘feminine’ and ‘fragile’ but determined, really determined in his ‘step‘…rather like POSH SPICE…to the HULK in black…
TOMLINSON was telling GILL:
“It’s okay to be GAY here - people don’t mind”…GILL that wide-eyed look on his face…and you know what that means…
Anyway, I contacted GILL during that time…and his little boy alter answered me…’it’s okay - it’s me EMILY’…I then told MCDONALD who came round to my desk immediately and asked ‘how can you do that?’
What he meant was ‘go back in time and go into somebody’s head and ‘ask them who they are and what they are doing’.
I told MCDONALD that I couldn’t tell him - some things had to be secret but that I knew of different channels that were ARABIC (ROZ couldn‘t do the same - the CIA‘s technology wasn‘t up to that sort of thing)… I then told him that quite possibly, I was making it all up - a fantasy…(so he shouldn’t bother about it)…he did bother…he then began to view me with extreme suspicion.
You see it was taken for granted that you could view past/present/future as a remote-viewer…but to do ‘other stuff’ around that one…that was unexplored territory to the CIA/FBI.
First up:
1. Well, it does look like a HOTDOG ‘SUB’ doesn’t it?
2. I was wrong about there being only 4 FIR TOPIARIES…the one with the ‘bomb’ under it (as RIMINGTON called it) is situated to the far right of the garden in this photo.
3. Here is what the ill cult called the BELL(E) and made you stand under it - to be electrocuted. It doesn’t much look like a BELL to me - does it to you? It looks more ’historical JAPANESE military’ in design…
4. Here is the BLACK military ‘bell’ that was always pointed out, before you walked into a CLACTON garden upon the promenade…and the way of getting out of this programming…was to take the well-trodden walks through the corners of the flowerbeds and over the small walls etc…so many people have done this, obviously.
5. Here is a photo of the ‘new look’ PIER.
Note how the old GOLDEN DOMES are gradually being replaced by another ‘shape’ entirely.
6. A shot of the pier - let me explain this in ill cult terms…you have the ‘demonic three blades’ of the ill cult - represented by the WIND(SOR) TURBINES in the background…and a specific number of them visible from the pier upon a clear day…next, you have the ‘houses’ upon the pier…the most important CREAM coloured ROCKEFELLER pavilion at the end…the WHITE HOUSE before it…and the BLUE/WHITE HOUSE before that one (symbolising the ROYALS for some reason - don’t ask me - why RIMINGTON told me that one)…and the ORANGE/RED/SCARLETT dipper is missing…it was there in the summer…that was before all of the above mentioned…
7. GREEN seating area…those who are going to be killed off by the ill cult…normally congregate here…
8. A BLACK PLASTIC FORK was in front of this one…SCOTTIE and the SAS would know about it…military programmed here.
10. THE GARDEN OF THE BLIND…complete with another photo as in the ELECTRIC PLATE which RIMINGTON walked me onto and said ‘REMEMBER THIS?’ - circa 2003.
I couldn’t remember a thing.
I can now - 1980 - and made to stand upon a metal plate - in a hanger…I had been given a number code to remember which I knew that I mustn’t…so I didn’t…the programmers eventually gave up and decided upon an easier numerical code: 321321321...which TOMLINSON then converted to another code for easy access to my ‘core’ as he thought (but was wrong): the square = 491
See TOMLINSON’s blog…circa 2005...as far as I can remember, the person who wrote it gave 492 as the numbers to his wife…a little out…but enough to get me to ‘wake up’…
11. The final garden…a small one…and inconspicuous but perhaps the most important. The ill cult used to plant FRENCH MARIGOLDS here…but now PRIMROSES.
They were in every ROMAN ‘urn’ up the winding stone stairway…up to that GRAND HOTEL where the programmers were having a meeting…a disused building at that point in time…and I am talking about my last visit to SWITZERLAND during 2006...the time when my father also turned up and told me that HANNI would know what to do…to show me what needed to be uncovered…and I was guided all along the way…my father and HANNI came up TRUMPS in the end…between the two of them…they managed to get it done.
This afternoon, I noticed that my mobile phone had another left VOICEMAIL upon it…so I listened to it:
WEDS 27TH - 11.22am
Odd because I had deleted that VOICEMAIL…so I had to think again…I had had a phonecall from my mother the other day…and NO VOICEMAIL was showing - a VOICEMAIL upon my mobile always worries me and I have to check it out at once…but there was NONE visible.
The VOI-CE-MALE from the PLUMBER had come from the day before.
So why had it re-appeared upon my mobile?
Voi - as in ‘line’…
Anyway, I thought about what the plumber had done as he entered my flat…he had checked out behind the door of the living room before he entered (army training) and the CLOCK on the floor near to this door (you cannot affix anything to the WALLS - CHP rules of tenancy) to see whether it was the right time or not (it was -RIMINGTON had programmed him to be late for the next job if it wasn’t)…
He had shown me where the GREEN LEVER was to turn off the WATER to this flat.
I then read the instructions in YELLOW box…about this ‘lever’:
5 060026574393
I then ‘knew’ what this was all about…
You see in HARWICH - ‘REG’ was graffittied everywhere…in the PROMENADE ‘shelters’…REG meant REGINA…it was shorthand for the ROYAL FAMILY and REGINA…on GREEN buildings…and ill cult programmers pointed that graffiti out to you…
I then remembered IAN RICKSON’s play at the ROYAL COURT and the title of it, which had made me laugh so much…so much that I reiterated it to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995:
“My last night with REG”
It was a ‘homosexual/homoerotic/repressed homosexual’ number, as far as I can gather…I didn’t actually see the play but I ‘knew’ somewhere down the line…
I adopted the London COCKNEY accent of my childhood and enquired about ‘that last night with REG’ in a loud, joking ’masculine’ voice…DALDRY was like a statue, stony faced…he didn’t move a muscle (but I figured that he was too much of a gentleman to hit me - and he didn‘t - we were the focal point of the entire BRITISH COUNCIL ‘exhibition party‘ for the new AMBASSADOR of the CZECH REPUBLIC at that point and I was banking upon that one, in terms of him holding back)…I knew that I was touching a ‘nerve’ somewhere…
REG-OUT that is all I can say...if we want a 'figurehead monarchy' under our thumb, then we will have one. However, we will take back the MONEY and the LANDS and redistribute them (and to the REAL POOR and not the 'ROBIN HOOD' joke that was going on in JOODIASMLAND).
Let us now return to the CLACTON promenade GARDEN notes:
12. a view of the pier....notice that the 'SCARLETT' spiral big dipper isn't present.
13. Note what is still there, the BLUE AND WHITE house of BRITISH ROYALTY/ARISTOCRACY...and then the WHITE HOUSE (symbolic of DC) and then the big CREAM PAVILION (symbolic of 'MR CREAM' as in AMADEUS/ROCKEFELLERS)
16 AND 17:
THE GARDEN FOR YOUR SENSES....petra phelps told me that her brother used to deal drugs in just such a garden, in his youth...an appropriate place to take LSD I suppose....and watch out for the METAL PLATE in this garden....because RIMINGTON had walked me through this garden and said 'remember that?'...I didn't...as many very posh 'middle-class' or 'upper-class' mind control slaves wouldn't either (we didn't 'do' drugs - what was her problem?)....the METAL PLATE upon which you were given your NUMBER.
Mine was: 321321321
The MASONS gave their WIVES and their DAUGHTERS away to the ill cult.
They also gave their MINDS and BODIES away to the ill cult (but they weren't told that this was part of the 'bargain'. The MASONS thought that they would be 'free' and slave-drivers of the ill cult - that wasn't to be (apart from being allowed to fuck teenage girls under mind control and boys - if they went that way).
Just MIND CONTROL SLAVES. Probably the most despised of the lot because they were so 'easy' to fool (no 'intelligence going on in those heads') End of story.
Are MEN in general, such a 'sorry bunch' I ask myself?
"NO, WE FUCKING AREN'T" say the BRITISH ARMY network back to me...
GOOD to see REAL MEN AROUND HERE...for once in so long...that fairytale world of where fairies controlled everything...bad fairies like MARK R that is, who wished horrible things upon you (male or female) from the day you were born until the day that you died....
Is that now just a horrible memory (or is that evil class of person still in existence?)
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