Saturday 30 October 2010

Early this morning…I woke up and remembered ‘watching’ JUDITH ELLIOT with COLLIE and a smallish team…discussing what they were going to do with me, at this point in time.

This is what they were discussing:

Firstly the new ‘call to interview’ with ATOS.

They wanted me to be called to interview in COLCHESTER again - this was on PRINCE WILLIAM’s orders - so that they could ‘catch’ me.

How were they going to do that?

The PILCHARD technique - you see I was now seen as a BIG FISH to be caught…and RICHARD THE PILCHARD as BAIT was the technique being mooted…except not TOMLINSON…GILL…

GILLCHARD dangled in front of me, upon a line…to bring me in…because they don’t know what HENRY did and I am not giving them enough answers, quickly enough…so a softly softly kidnapping attempt was being planned.

ELLIOT jokingly thought up this one along the lines of:

She last saw GILL in ‘fancy dress’ - as one of the SEPHARDIM in JERUSALEM…where he harangued her and called her names in HEBREW about ‘not recognising her own husband’…so we could do the same again but this time, dress him up as a MCDONALD’S HAMBURGER…have him walking around outside MCDONALDS handing out leaflets…and she has to recognise her ROBIN HOOD - by his tights…his legs…poking out under the HAMBURGER costume…’ - a skit upon the MEN IN TIGHTS movie by MEL BROOKS…

Yes, very amusing.

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