Sunday 31 October 2010

Chaldean Catholic Territory Dependent on the Patriarch of Jerusalem

What did MCDONALD mean by the above strange phrase...

In the LATIN corner we have FOUAD TWAL who is the 'MONSIGNOR' according to wiki so MONS-SIGN-OR?

Fouad Twal (Arabic: فؤاد طوال‎) (born 23 October 1940 at Madaba, Jordan) is the Roman Catholic archbishop and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem since June 2008.

In the GREEK corner we have Theophilos III who is the PATRIARCH and not the 'MONSIGNOR' terms of how you address him...

So which PATRIARCH lets the CHALDEAN CATHOLIC CHURCH have territory?

I noticed that a church had been firebombed in JERUSALEM...and I know that it was the TASCHMANNS...and related to the eating of babies...but the news story didn't tell you which church...the photo lookedl like it had been taken near to the Coptic Christian one...but the church which was firebombed was a much more modern one...I can remember RIMINGTON walking me past it...built in the very late was the 'baby-eating' church of the middle of Jerusalem and RIMINGTON opined that 'they' would never get them out...but they appear to have done so eh?

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