Friday 29 October 2010

FASI is calling me a 'fucking cunt' again upon the networks - specifically from the 'fridge microwave frequency' - now is that a coded reference FASI or are you deliberately trying to be abusive?

TYRING...I mistyped TYRING...and again...TRYING...'aero you tyring to be abusieve'?

Yes that is how crazy - mind control 'crossword fiends' can be, in inventing new programming and dumping it into your head as 'garbage in' which you cannot get out again...


Yes I have always had a 'go' at ISLAMIC countries and particularly IRAN because you know what you did there, FASI (let us not go back to CITY OF BAM stuff - finished and done with) got the SAUDIS all into trouble by keeping alive various TADCO members when they should have been 'taken out' were probably also responsible for the IRANIAN satellite which was then tracked from its location over the UK and then back to IRAN...and that was because you firmly believed that MARK R was your real BROTHER in terms of genes and that you were a ROCKEFELLER/HYKKSOS...

Now I do not suppose that the ISLAMICS like ROCKEFELLER/HYKSOS cuckoos anymore than the JOOS do at this point in time...

I would have said that by the shape of your eyes...that you had more of a JAPANESE look to you...than a ROCKEFELLER think about it.

Yes I do go on and on about the SATANISM inherent in ISLAMIC countries because they 'birthed' it...yes they did and you cannot deny it...the JOOS learnt it off them...that is why it is probably more difficult to root out of these countries than it is other countries...because whatever the religions present in that ARABIC country...there are the old WEEDS THAT BIND...and you know full well what I mean...

If I were you, I would concentrate upon what the D'AJANI family marked out as 'THE MOST POSITIVE ASPECTS OF ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS' and that was what MOHAMMED was all about...during his early days...before the ROCKEFELLERS proceeded to destroy him.

What I mean is this - the LIFE OF CHRIST was a 'story' put together for the MASONS in the WEST (or should i say 'mercantile class of the period'), to learn about MIND CONTROL and to 'sell it to them' - via ROCKEFELLER HQ.

The MASONS were told that it was JEWISH MYSTICISM - and not SEMITIC/ARABIC knowledge of mind control which can either produce a mind control slave or a truly enlightened and immensely powerful human being. They were also told that raping babies even your own children was 'okay' because this was part of the 'higher knowledge'...and when they got to the higher levels...they were taught that EATING BABIES was 'okay' too because it made you even more 'enlightened' and not into complete and utter ROBOTS - such as the TASCHMANNS...super-computers yes but not because of 'eating babies' that was put in, to CONTROL them by threats and bribery (also various 'sex acts' in terms of photos/video) - in control of themselves - no. ROBOTS 'manufactured' to bring in the NWO and then to be disposed off because 'they are a bit too powerful' and we don't want a BLADERUNNER scenario - do we?

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