Sunday 31 October 2010

"Rusty Schweickart is a former Apollo 9 astronaut and now head of the European Sapce Agency's committee on near-earth objects (NEOs): " What we need to do is bring the world together, recognise that this is a global threat. This is not Germany or the United States or ESA or anybody else. This is a global threat."

What was that movie again? The one that was supposed to 'warm us all up' globally to the threat of an alien invasion...was it called ARMAGEDDON...entirely silly movie...

I suppose that the above is all a remanent of PROJECT BLUBEAM.

Let me pick out the acronym NEO for near-earth objects...does one call a BIRD IN FLIGHT a 'near earth object'? I think that a NEO should be defined, a little more clearly. Far too imprecise definiton.

Othe associations: NEO in the trilogy of the MATRIX for example - he was the good
guy, busting out of it - wasn't he?

Looking at the above ill cult coding - one can see what they are really frightened of and it is this:

BIRDS = REMOTE-VIEWERS = big threat (not under our control anymore) = NEOS = those breaking out of the MATRIX.

So I would guess that the DARMSTADT conference will go rather like this:

NASA: "What the fuck are WE going to do?"

PENTAGON "What the fuck are YOU going to do? Your lies dropped us into this..."

CERN to PENTAGON " were the CRAPHEADS who planned this..."

PANIC BELLS start to sound as the members reach for the RED electronic buttons in front of them and begin to electrocute each other, repeatedly. nauseum...

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