This morning I went to the REMEMBRANCE WWII statue of an angel and instead of dropping a white tissue…the networks had advised me to use DALDRY’s ‘bouncy ball’…the one that I had nicked from him at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…which RIMINGTON had re-appropriated from SONIA and had then left in in THINGUMMY BOBS (or was it BITS ‘N’ BOBS) near to M&S…for me to pick up in her ‘programming objects’ area…
So I bounced his ball everywhere…inside and out of the enclosures…watched by a member of the MI5 network…who telepathically told me to bounce it on the actual statue…I did so…
The actual ‘got it’ came on the other side of the statue…bouncing it upon the green mound up to the statue…I had been scanning the PALACE and grounds…
I then went for a cycle ride to ST OSYTH and I was stopped on the way by two of RIMINGTON’s slaves…a couple that I had been forced to meet on this very route…circa 2003...the object being that I would annoy them out of their minds by saying inappropriate things.
The two of them turned up in their BLACK four-wheel drive and told me that they wanted to cycle from the caravan site between ST OSYTH and JAYWICK up to THE NAZE…could I tell them if it was possible to cycle to CLACTON and then on to WALTON…which way had I come?
All tricks questions - you see the wife of the couple had been born and brought up in JAYWICK and she had acquired a middle-class accent upon the way….circa 2003, she sounded ‘twinset and pearls’ to me…her accent was that ‘upper class’…was it the same woman, the same couple…I have no idea but the couple today looked very similar and they were saying and doing precisely the same things as the couple circa 2003 had done…
RIMINGTON told me that the woman had ‘married up’ to an ARMY MAN of a high status but I cannot remember what…
Anyway, the couple were responsible for the CYCLING ROUTES around EAST ANGLIA/ESSEX…maybe for the whole of the UK…she had loved cycling around the coast in her youth…she asked me specifically what route I had taken from CLACTON…I told her simply that the cycling route differed now and then…between the front and the road and you just had to watch out for the signs - I had cycled through JAYWICK but if you went back through JAYWICK…you eventually got to a cul-de-sac and if you followed the signs…you would get back onto the PROMENADE again…the cycling route alternated…of course this couple already knew that…they had invented it.
They were trying to catch me out - as they had been told to do and then to report me for not following the official cycling route. On top of that RIMINGTON had told me to NOT cycle through JAYWICK and to tell them how dangerous it was…lots of criminals around sort of thing…and play upon how I was middle-class etc etc…so RIMINGTON, so ‘SOLIHULL‘…but not myself. The idea was that my snobbery as programmed in by RIMINGTON, would infuriate ‘the wife’ etc etc…
So yes, another ‘catch you out on class prejudices’ number…will that be followed with a ‘catch you out on RACE’ number eh OBAMA…you never seem to stop trying - do you?
Oh, one small but significant point - I studied the FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE as the couple then got back in and drove past me cycling back to JAYWICK via the road…and no, they didn’t have BICYCLES on top of it or in the back…it was all a lie…a complete set-up.
You see the idea was…that if the ill can make you feel ‘guilty to be alive’ and ‘guilty to be born’…then they can take control of you…and Political Correctness was an easy way of preying upon ‘innocents’ like myself…those who would rather die than be accused of racism or class snobbery (which they did quite a bit because they knew that I found it very upsetting). The ill are intent on destroying your sense of self…and if you didn’t do the ‘middle-class thing’ and join lots of clubs and societies, networking as much as you could, when young (my family was ‘strange’ in that way - we preferred to be alone rather than in a group - most of the time - a bit Bohemian and ‘do your own thing’ type of family)….then you didn’t have a social back-up and support network…
However one has to say that middle-class networks are those that the ill control easily…even MENSA for heavens sake…so it works both ways, doesn’t it? You are damned both ways…unless your club/society/organisation has decided to really work against the ill and their heart is in it, as a group…
Anyway, this morning I decided to play up on SIGNALLING…and that is why I used the light blue RNLI…ROYAL NAVY LIFEBOAT INSTITUTE ‘hoodie jacket’….to wear upon my cycling trip…as well as my rubber colour-coded HELP FOR HEROES bracelet, which is all about helping the ARMY…and I did so in a calculated way…because I ‘knew’ that I would encounter people who would register those signals…even before I could remember who I would meet today…the ARMY MAN and his wife (whose father was in the military as far as I can recall)…
I might add that the couple had also been ‘in talks’ with those who had set up HELP FOR HEROES in the first place…so the whole thing was all about the MILITARY and me basically signalling…’I support the MILITARY’…I have been MILITARY PERSONNEL from the day I was born, virtually but of course as I got recruited into the most lousy military set-up of all, MI6...I am not a’ card-carrying member’ and for most of my life, I was used as a mind control slave by them with NO pay…no pension…just extreme abuse and then an ‘expiry date’ to look forward to…not a pretty picture, eh?
I had had a ‘tip-off’ to the above this morning…whilst having my bath…
GILL had relayed the images to me of SONIA who had become a ‘chess fanatic’ rather like VICTORIA BECKHAM and she had wanted to try out her skills in a ‘mixed’ tournament…for men and women…she was a match for any man sort of thing…
GILL showed me it all…saying that he felt deeply sorry for SONIA because the men had ‘psyched her out’ as she entered the hall…it is a very ‘discreet’ thing…body language and tone of voice…macho but not ‘body building stuff’ if you know what I mean…’women aren’t allowed - or supposed to be here - inferior brains’…
SONIA walked in and then walked out again with IRISH MARK…he laughed and suggested a drink beforehand to calm her nerves…that turned into several…and then SONIA went back into that hall to take part in the competition….she was knocked out halfway…whereas all of the networks are saying that she should have made it to the final…
So ‘we’ took the matter in hand…and to the top…because SONIA had been shattered by the experience…she had watched the FINAL and the two guys were making the simplest mistakes and stupidest moves…she could have won, easily…but her ‘nerve’ had failed her.
VICTORIA BECKHAM suggested playing the men back at their own game…as in ‘wear a low cut top - a tight one - even if your opponent is GAY - it will annoy him - a distraction factor, either way’…
So SONIA thought it all through and then entered the TOP CHESS COMPETITION…one run by BI and generally only men entered…she got through to the final…where she was to meet none other than MR FISHMAN…she won, easily.
In a tight, ORANGE top.
He gave her a kiss and a hug on stage, to much applause.
No he hadn’t ‘let her win’ - the top was to create confidence…yes, every competition has the added factor of ‘psyching your opponent out’….look at the GRUNTING that goes on in the women’s and men’s tennis at WIMBLEDON…
If you really want to win…you have to be two things…very laidback about it ‘I don’t care if I win or lose, it’s all a game’ in the back of your head which promotes a very detached ‘core element‘ and overview of the whole game…but in the front of it you have to have that RAW AGGRESSION necessary to win…a ‘hunting instinct’…and then you employ the other factors…what the linguists call ‘para-linguistics’ which is a fancy name for ‘every thing that you do which isn’t language’…your expressions, your movements, gesticulations…the way that you dress and the way that you move…also the ‘tone of your voice’ but not the words…anything but the words…
You see - even the BI top linguists agree…about 70% of them…that most REAL COMMUNICATION between human beings isn’t through language (they have studied enough CCTV to know that one)…it is through what they call ‘paralinguistics’…what you do whilst you are talking…and what you do when you are not talking at all…
SONIA won the BI chess tournament (which made MR PUTIN laugh a lot - he didn’t mind that his ‘candidate’ had lost to FRIAR TUCK…the woman who had brought down the ROBIN HOOD of the ill cult).
GILL didn’t mind either…he had felt really sorry for her in the first ‘competition’…because she should have won it - in terms of skill but she didn’t know how to psyche the men out, who tend to dominate this game - and so she had been psyched out, by them - almost a walkover. GILL also pointed out to me, exactly how they had done it. A ‘male group’ thing. I do not think that these men were even really ‘conscious’ that they were doing it - but they were definitely doing it.
PS IRISH MARK probably did SONIA a favour by giving her ‘Dutch courage’ before the event - because she was shaking like a leaf - and would have probably been knocked out in the first round if it hadn’t been for a few drinks beforehand…
You see how kind men can be…when they love their women…I shouldn’t be so terrible about them in general…IRISH MARK…GILL…they loved us…IRISH MARK showed his love to SONIA in a more demonstrative and consistent way, than GILL…but I know that GILL always loved me deeply…we were simply far more screwed up and ‘strange’ as individuals…and I did my fair share of fucking his psyche up, accordingly.
DABYDEEN is saying 'you two were the most exotic 'species' of human being that I have ever seen...'
Yes I can see the 'fascination' of watching the pair of us, was quite compelling...if only for the 'comedy' factor...
Yet we are human beings and not a 'human zoo' - take that to heart and mind. We have to live our lives - knowing what was done to us - and from the day we were born.
We can both easily, put a BRAVE face upon it all - because we are WINNERS and not losers.
That doesn't mean that we do not hurt inside.
Our mission was to take down the ill cult and to take it down, anyway that we could, as a TEAM and we did...we had to sacrifice our integrity, our respectability...we had to allow BI to watch CCTV of us having sex, going to the toilet...the whole lot...and all because of this 13TH ONE ILL CULT GAME...we agreed because we were going to WIN against the ill cult...and we would rub their noses in it...and we did.
If you want the 'real number' of MARTIN GILL and myself...we wanted to be a 'straight couple' down the line...get married, have babies...and love each other until the day we died...but things didn't work out that way, did they?
I am now too old to have children - and so that dream has been smashed.
MARTIN is still 'one of the invisible' i.e. controlled by 'intelligence' and unable to contact me openly.
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