Saturday, 2 October 2010

Last night I dreamt of GILL and my father being so alike...they appeared to be almost the father had come home and I was preparing a that dream is what had pulled up what I was then to remember...because the SHEIK horror came back after we had all gone down to visit GILL in his hospital bed and he was staring at me in SHEIK mode...'hostile' is hardly the word for it...and I telepathically read his levels...he needed a fruit juice drink but don't let him keep the glass or he will use it as a weapon...I telepathically relayed this to RIMINGTON...and also that he needed to eat meat for vital protein/amino acids...MARTINE was in contact with me...she wanted CHINESE food but RIMINGTON then went off to find what she could...took the glass away after he had drunk his fill and then fed him the food with a spoon...I had warned her not to put the tray on the bed or he might throw it at somebody...

So that is how we then began to home in on SHEIK programming...after GILL had eaten and calmed down...RIMINGTON offered him a Valium but he refused it, saying that this time he wanted to get through it without DRUGS and he did...the best way to deprogram.

When he awoke...I put my forehead to his and he began to tell me what had happened in the SHEIK'S TENT...his version was that he had improvised attacking me, once I had contacted him...but his demonic alter had gone a bit too far...

Anyway, the other odd thing in that dream last night was that I opened the fridge to find the steak for the stew...and saw a large BRIOCHE in there...Swiss sweetbread as far as I am concerned...and I knew that it was my father's...

Upon waking, I knew that this was all about TODDY.

MARK R used to call him 'BRI' around the castle...pronounced like the French cheese BRIE but I was thinking CHARLIES ANGELS for some reason and a shortened version of SABRINA...and I asked MARK R if that was the case...he wouldn't answer...



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