Saturday, 2 October 2010

i was looking at two dull green but pretty poster boxes that I had been given - once I had bought a watercolour off a Chinese art student at an extortionate rate at the main ART MUSEUM upon TIANNAMEN SQUARE...

MCDONALD had been filming the lot...

i had been picked up by this student and then guided to this place which wasn't open to the public but she told me that we could use the side door in order to see a student exhibition of in we went...

MCDONALD had set this all up to see if I could now master the CHINESE in terms of 'signalling'...I left it to the last I was walking out...having purchased a print...which I now know to have been done by myself (it isn't very good but it was of two 'cats' curled around each other and I liked it the best of the lot - all others were by TEMPLAR CASTLE people - in a 'Chinese style')...I made a single gesture which won the 'battle'...meaning 'you will pay me back'...

How odd...MCDONALD had got a Chinese mafia in there to do the business...I still have no real idea why and it really put me on the spot...but no harm done, I suppose...

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