Saturday, 2 October 2010

I can remember now...another 'odd' incident...the student who had been my guide at SJTU...and her 'uncle'...they had some JAPANESE descent...and bizarrely enough, she accused me of 'sleeping with the enemy' in relation to GILL...the CHINESE really don't like the JAPANESE in relation to WWII...and perhaps it was because they had both suffered from CHINESE anger upon this account...she was letting off steam in relation to myself and my liking for GILL - whom they saw as 'of JAPANESE descent'...I told her that our 'mission' together had been planned even before we had been born...and I had to keep on pulling him back from the SATANIC side of things...but he had been chosen as the 'best scientific brain of his generation' and therefore he was useful to me and would continue to be in the future...the 'mission' was more important than a love affair and I didn't let my emotions sway me from what I was doing...exposing and eliminating the satanic cult...

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