Friday, 1 October 2010

"He replied that he would be out there immediately.

He was - he met me in the shadows and took me in his arms...I stared into his eyes and questioned him hard...I was a 'secret joo'...he knew that...his synagogue knew that...yet he was dating people like DEBORAH MCDONAGH who were not on their books but considered 'those he could date' even though the synagogue had no record of them...they were not even 'hidden joos' what was going on?

I asked GILL...took his head in my hands and told him to THINK...use your common sense...your reason, your logic...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

What had really happend - in relation to the above?

ROZ and I remote-viewed the whole lot.

GILL's demonic ISLAMIC alter was in control of him and the whole he couldn't see 'reason' and he had no access to 'logic'...

His ISLAMIC alter - was thinking - as GILL held me in his arms was of those only worthy to be be BEATEN UNDER CONTROL...

That is why I have REACTED against ISLAM so strongly...and why I have got so FURIOUS with the whole DAMN LIE OF THE RELIGION is the most demonic and damaging religion upon this Earth...yes, I can see why CHRISTIANS would want to 'bomb it out of existence' but not for good reasons...

...and yes, there is another get the ISLAMIC MASSES away from WARLORD culture and into a more 'Islam is about MOHAMMED who escaped his ill cult family and in the wilderness, managed to learn about the 'higher dimensions'....

Unfortunately - ISLAM4uk and the UK 'islamic council' are completely DEMONIC ISLAM...

We have a real problem on our hands...

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