Saturday, 2 October 2010

Further thoughts upon RICHARD GORDON…you have to see it as the ‘playground of life’ and men in same-sex groups can behave like little boys….so can women for that matter - see previous notes upon my nearly getting beaten up in that LESBIAN nightclub…HEATHER KEMPSON had been badly beaten up there - ROZ had escaped by ‘making friends’ with the ring-leader…this is all about ‘invading somebody else’s territory and having to deal with it - before they ‘deal’ with you.

When landing up in a foreign clime and culture - one does not get on one’s high horse…put on a stage show to suggest that one is the forerunner of MOHAMMED…a SULTAN PRINCE come to rally the troops…I am not saying that you deserved what you got…but in terms of playground tactics…it was quite obvious to most, what would follow after that ACT which I might add, surprised everybody in the gallery as well as those down below - your performance had the entire ‘stadium‘ agog - all eyes…but then high drama turned to farce, as it normally does - as in pisstaking and then the final humiliation…

OBAMA didn’t come off as badly…but he had made the mistake of avoiding the rapes…which TOMLINSON knew that you just had to ‘put up with’ in order to survive within the ‘system’…and so he got badly beaten up too, in the end…and his wife attended to his every need, once he had been stretchered in and taken down to sickbay…

Life in a male gaol…I can remember SCARLETT introducing me to a woman who used to have a ‘similar role’ to the CRAZY COMPANY in the IRANIAN GAOL let us say - but she was working in a UK gaol…she was employed to ‘watch’ the playground…and to understand how criminal gangs operated…’Criminal Psychology/Behavioural Sciences’…a woman from a working class background who knew ‘everything there was to know’ about how and why people turn ‘criminal’ and what they do whilst in gangs…she tut-tutted about the behaviour of the CRAZY COMPANY but she also secretly approved…I read her mind…I mean what other way was there to ‘break through’ with most of them?
It was all about brainwashing and mind control…okay, MR D’AJANI’s techniques were far more impressive but it took the IRANIAN GAOL experience to find that one out….you live and learn…


RIMINGTON told me that I had to buy one of those two SAINSBURYS ducks in GREEN wrapping and clingfilm today…I queried it and she replied ‘unfortunately so’…but gave no reason…so I went to the freezer and found them again…they were now at the back of an entirely full CHICKEN LIVERS section…one duck was on its back and the other was the right side up…a TAO reference or mirror-image reference, I am none too sure…at any rate…CHICKEN LIVER packs had been piled on top of them…to hide them…so I took the ‘youngest model number’ of the two and bought it…I can let it defrost and then stew it in my ‘slo-cooker’…the only way to do it as far as I can see…although roasted or oven cooked duck would be far more delicious…and all I have is a slo-cooker and a microwave.

I do not trust a microwave that much…a slo-cooker heats things up slowly and properly and keeps them boiling for the right amount of time…and I am a little bit ‘scared’ of eating this duck…


A MASON passed me upon the street today…grinned and made the symbol for ‘you’ve made it to the top’…thank you.

I still have no real idea of what this means…but I figure it is something to do with being in CHINA…learning the international signalling system, upon the other side of the mirror…and finding out about the JAPANESE influence…which is what the CRAZY COMPANY did…but pushed me to the fore (’fixed‘ that TIANAMMEN SQUARE National Art Gallery sparring match), in relation to making this all public now…because they all knew that I would be ‘writing the blog’ as it were…

So I shall rename this blog ‘HENRY EXPOSED’ - and ‘you bastards’ I know that I put myself up for it but even so…

Luckily I haven’t been plagued by people from my past claiming that I am a lunatic…but what would it matter if they did…who would pay attention to them…I am not ‘famous’ and I have nothing to lose…I cannot be blackmailed…no ‘reputation’ to upkeep…I am just the ‘grassroots’ talking back at the entire ill cult system…

Yes, I have made GILLY-BOY look like an ‘entire villain’ in the process - when he was in fact the person who had helped me the most, in terms of information and keeping me alive…that is how it turned out…I am sorry…I always trusted that ‘brain’ of yours to work it all out in the end…

Of course, as you know it was slightly more complicated than that:

MOTHER as in RIMINGTON had to find a cure for her ‘sickness’ and that was a HEALTHY blood transfusion…after that, things changed radically…

ROZ then had to act as REMOTE-VIEWING ‘ANCHOR’ in order to pull GILL out of the wood…

You see how it went…many different ‘knock-on’ events…

…and GILL had known it from the first…when he looked at me from that Franciscan Friars’ tennis court behind OLTON MONASTERY…and thought ‘she’s as strong as a horse, she’ll pull me out of the wood’…see notes on DEATH UPON THE TENNIS COURT.

Yes, it wasn’t actually me…but the old ‘MO’ ‘one-two’ was at work, behind the scenes…in relation to getting you onto the ‘right path’ or the ‘good path’ as the CHINESE would put it…

ROZ had been picked by the ill cult as one of the ‘most creative ones’ who were then taken to that HEROIN PARK in ZURICH…shades of the CHINESE being manipulated/destroyed by OPIUM…you see how the ‘patterns’ integrate through time and space?

Despite ROZ being half-Chinese…I was then taken as being more in tune with the culture for some reason, by the CHINESE…and that would be probably to do with not having anything to do with heroin/opium…

Therefore PRINCE WILLIAM wanting to flood CHINA with heroin/opium again…well, the CHINESE had seen that one coming…and they were prepared.

They saw SARS coming and quickly identified the source - a US LAB on TAIWAN.

MARK R had designated CHEMIC ALI to be head of that project…so you can imagine how ‘popular’ he was in CHINA at that point…

Yet they had also rightly discerned that his main influences were JOOISH/JAPANESE…and not ISLAMIC at all…even though he fervently believed himself to be fighting for ISLAM…a ‘prince’ and a ‘dalek’…

MARK R loved his programmed slaves to CARRY THE CAN for him…whilst like a RAT DOWN A HOLE he escaped without blame…

Witness GILL's loyalty to the little rat - taking the PEANUT BUTTER to him, behind my JO SMITH's her cellar...GILL was in his BLACKEST ENERGY alter when he did it...pure ill cult.

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