Saturday, 2 October 2010

All I can say is this:

JOODAISM (who is a joo and not a joo nowdays in the UK?) well as ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY have to STAMP OUT SATANISM. They are all hideously infected as religions...and their followers have been 'possessed' to various degrees.

The CATHOLIC CHURCH stands out as the one which abused children the most.

ISLAM did the same - a more feudal culture though (when people are poor and starving - they are more likely to be induced to criminal acts/evil) and more easily controlled by their satanic mind control programmers.

The CATHOLICS have a far easier time of it - they have what social workers call the 'agency' to rebel...they are wealthier, more educated -as a religious body.

The PROTESTANTS - ditto.

The HIGH ANGLICANS of the UK - see my notes upon what a 'joke' they were, upon their inception...a bunch of 'screaming queens' in fancy dress...and according to historical documents which suggested that they more were PRISCILLAS of the DESERT rather than a 'serious outfit'...and not in keeping with their contemporary culture at all...

AFRICAN protestant churches which want to BAN homosexuality...

Yes I can see where you are coming from...nothing is more 'ugly' and 'hostile' than a VICIOUS QUEEN - and to the well-being of society in general (particularly a FOREIGN OFFICE one)...

However, if you look at ISLAM and 'HOMOSEXUALITY UNDERGROUND through the centuries' and the 'satanic signalling system' that they came up with...which not only allowed repeated buggery and enslaving by mind control of men...but also of boys from babyhood...then I have to argue this:

HOMOSEXUALITY is and has always been present - and recorded - in every single society/tribe/culture upon far as I is simply a 'fact of life'.

If you do not allow it 'expression' above ground and treat it as an 'ordinary thing' then you are setting yourself up for 'stewing sewers time'....that is what happened in ISLAM...and ISLAM now has to address that problem...rather than just saying 'death to FREEMASONRY' in ISLAM... ( as in ISLAMICS who bugger each other as well as little boys until the little boys go 'under', become an 'empty house' and are 'possessed') as well as being a HOMOSEXUAL (one who talks about the endemic situation - a situation well-loved by homosexual WESTERN writers who 'knew it all' - see notes on MORROCCO and how easy it is to 'buy a boy' or 'handsome young man' in the 'marketplace' there)...

The CATHOLIC CHURCH did the right thing by being the first 'far-sighted religion' to create LESBIAN/GAY support groups...okay they weren't advocating or encouraging a 'same sex-sexuality' arena where it was promoted and encouraged - but they were offering group support, sympathy and a cup of tea...that sort of thing...

RELIGION is not 'wider society' in the UK because most people have 'lost their religion' along the wayside - also more worryingly - they have lost the 'belief in a one god/cosmos/knowledge and understanding' and tend to go a bit 'new agey' if questioned...a bit 'satanist' if the truth be in 'I take out my prayer mat, put up my BUDDHA effigy, light a few Indian joss sticks and pray to the god/goddess that will grant me what I want...with a few WICCAN 'magical prayers' copied off the internet'...

So one can say that 'new agey' stuff gets people to a point where they go further or get stuck in 'new agey' nonsense but on the whole, it is a good thing.

If they don't have TOMLINSON etc around to then tell them what their BONFIRE SOLISTICE rite is really all about...and he was entirely shit from MI6 remote-viewers upon the CELTIC DRUIDS...they were as blood-thirsty as they come and entirely MILITARY...

No 'high priestess' there at all.

Despite what you might read.

ALL MALE events.

They sacrificed slaves...and from their backs - they then cut out the LUNGS...creating the bloody sign of the BUTTERFLY or would that be LABIA CROSS in lesbian/wiccan circles...THE DOUBLE-AXE/CROSS was one and the same for the druids...

They ATE people...believing that this 'did them good'...believing that you imbibed the 'energy' of the mighty foe defeated...yes, Public Health wasn't around to advise them about BLOOD DISORDERS at that point in time...

All in all, druids were simply about the early MILITARY...that is all...and the letting out of tension and stress after a very bloody and traumatic battle...

So if you are invited to your local 'druid event'...try not to be impressed.

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