Saturday, 2 April 2011

marcus evans (Prague)

marcus evans (CR) Ltd
I.P.Pavlova 5
CZ-120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic

Tel: 420 2 55707222
Fax: +420 2 55707232

General Manager: Matt Smith

Well if you want to meet the they are...

"smash the TV GLASS" says GILL.

Yes, I can remember now...'in your test-tube'...TODDY used to put a 'modified' TV over your head as a child...and make you look through the glass... once we had remembered that one in the CIA LAB...we decided that we had to go and smash a TV....this is really quite scary because we had all seen TVs implode in action films...

...and yes, I can remember now, remote-viewing MATT SMITH and friends...yes it was supposed to be a DOG'S BODY...'dogsbody' geddit?

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