Saturday 30 April 2011

...this is horrible...but I have just got to the library - to wait for 5 minutes to get onto an internet computer...and there was only one other person at the table - he was doing research...and i 'recognised him' immediately...

That COLWELL WOOD video and shot of the house at the end of it...this man was horribly beaten up by the ill for being a rebel...THAT is why GILL was so depressed...we were both drugged and under mind control - hardly able to move...we couldn't stop the ill from beating him up - they left him half dead...for running a REBEL GROUP in TOTNES...and then GILL and myself were sent for a walk down that path...I have no idea why or to was something to do with TODDY...

The man uses a stick now...he can hardly walk...the pain shows on his face...

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