Thursday 28 April 2011

What is that REGISTRY OFFICE in LONDON…made famous in the 60s for ‘quickie marriages’…even PAUL WELLER got married there…yes, some very odd images came back this morning…of marrying GILL for the…well, what is the ‘marriage’ count, so far?

COLLIE graciously organised it all for us, along with the UGLY SISTERS no less…and JON from PRAGUE caught the BOUQUET which nobody thought that I was going to throw…he then awkwardly said that he was already married and so, was told to give it to somebody else…the BLONDE one out of the UGLY SISTERS….

…and so it came to pass, that the UGLY SISTERS with their newly found confidence…found good husbands and eventually had a double-wedding event…in true JANE AUSTEN style…

…and in short, I suppose that we had ‘all made it up’ by that point in time…the BLONDE one had been programmed as a ‘HARD KOALA’ like me…like HENRY…so I have to learn to ‘love what is very similar to myself’ the KOALA escape artist personality trait…

…and as far as I know the BLONDE one married the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD…am I correct?

Anyway, TRUE AMERICAN DOG was covertly asking for CERTIFICATES this morning…and I think that COLLIE could supply evidence of all marital documents…yes, GILL you have a ‘ball and chain’…


…and whilst having my bath…I recalled another snippet of that PRAGUE 1995 conversation with DALDRY along the lines of:

“Do you remember IRONSIDE?…you know…that ACTOR IN A WHEELCHAIR…”

….and MALCOLM then told us that it had been one of his most favourite TV programmes ever…the DETECTIVE IN A WHEELCHAIR…

…what was I referring to, dear reader?

What we shall call OPERATION IRONSIDE…

How did it begin?

It began with MCDONALD spotting that JACQUI JONES…supposedly wheelchair bound…could move around ‘quite easily’ once the BI office was vacant…

HENRY was annoyed…MCDONALD had found my youngest child alter out…I had advised her via microchip to ‘stay in the wheelchair’ because MARK R had a list of WHEELCHAIR PEOPLE and if you recovered the ability to walk again…he put you back in one…so better to wait it out until the situation changed…the problem was that she didn’t exercise that much - so muscle wastage was a problem but as she moved her legs during her sleep…so not that much of a problem…

Anyway, MCDONALD mused upon that one…”I’ve got an idea for the future….”

He was thinking about the time when he would be ‘carried into back of the BANK OF ENGLAND and out again” because there was no wheelchair access…

Secondly, JON from PRAGUE supposedly became paraplegic later on…and therefore when things were leaked from various offices…say documents from files up on a high shelf…and he had been the only person left on the floor at lunchtime…well, he could hardly get out of that wheelchair, could he?…and even when he did…he was almost bent double…hardly able to stand…never mind walk…

Yes OPERATION IRONSIDE was a great success, in many ways but of course ‘anybody’ could use the technique…

JON used to exercise ferociously once back at home, every evening…

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