Saturday 30 April 2011

the ill were doing this to CHILDREN not 'snack cakes' - the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY were running the whole show and you still want a MONARCHY?

The Experiments

Twinkies don't burn well
unless doused in alcohol.
Then they make good fires.

Twinkies in water
expand to near twice their size
and look really gross.

When they are pureed
Twinkies can be compressed much.
Really mostly air.

Do Twinkies conduct?
Run lots of current through them.
Very resistive.

Dropped off of sixth floor
Twinkies are not injured much.
Just a small fissure.

Microwaved Twinkies
emit a great deal of smoke
and smell very bad.

Is the Twinkie smart?
Is it just ignoring us?
Maybe never know.

Poor control Twinkie.
Its conditions never change.
I guess I'll eat it.

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