Saturday 30 April 2011

Anyway, hope springs eternal...that man is still alive and so am I...and I haven't seen any of the ill cult programmers for years...

That day - GILL could hardly function...trudging through the snow...I suggested writing it all down in the EARTH and filming it...but it was frozen solid so I didn't bother...however, somebody picked up on what I had filmed...gave it a title and put it onto the web...onto GOOGLE MAPS as well as YOUTUBE...but I cannot even remember what I did with the video now...picked up by a sort of T-MOBILE frequency on my phone without my knowing? We had state of the art technology phones...

You see the ill didn't trust you with pen/pencil and paper but you were allowed a mobile phone 'if you got lost' sort of thing...stranger and stranger...but we were in child alters and our spirits had been supposedly broken...

"Never say die" as I used to joke to SCARLETT'S POLICE...

...and let me remind you - MARK R could disable anything on your equipment, such as TEXTING etc....see previous notes upon him checking and wiping the 'crazy company's' DIGITAL CAMERA CARDS every single day...of images that he didn't want to see the light of day...and disabling my CAMERA FLASH function...but FRANCO knew how to do simply putting your finger in the shutter...and holding the camera steady...during 'night-time vision'...hence the photos of that 'crazy klepto bee' in MOROCCO...

I still do not understand what happened during those years because my memories are so would 'wake up' somewhere...try to remember as much as you could...because of the ECT, whipping/torture, drugging...and then you would try to take as much documentary evidence as possible, hide it...find a way to pass it on...put it onto the web... what was really going on?

The ill were NOBBLING us all - every step of the way...

...and perhaps, I am not sure yet...but I 'know' that the PRINCE OF MONACO had this 'last stage' in the ill cult game, concerning the PRESSURE COOKER of that ROYAL WEDDING...and he had been told by MARK R/AMADEUS that he was another ROCKEFELLER and part of the clan (something that they had also tried upon me)...yet the fact that I have survived it...well, who knows?

I say 'survived it' but today is the day that MARK R and PRINCE WILLIAM had decided to have that 'alternative wedding reception' because as WILLIAM said - "it would be too much to do it all on the same day" - i.e. murder the TEMPLARS and slaves who might 'talk' about what had really been going on...

One just hopes that the TEMPLARS really got that one 'in hand' - which they appear to have done.

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