Thursday 28 April 2011

I try to stick to what you say, to substantive matters, matters of argument rather than sentiment. I thought you’d approve. As you know it’s the welfare of England and the Englisc (sic, subtleties thereof you fail to understand if the truth be told) that exercise me the most. I defend England aggressively. I do so because no-one else seems willing to and because she is being carved up and fed to her parasites. Perhaps, occasionally, indignation blinds me to what you've been through. It has a profound effect on a woman that sort of thing. The description of cradling SR, promising to be her daughter, stays with me. I can’t remember the last time I found something so hard to read. Perhaps one day we will reconcile ourselves to nature instead of perverting it. The journal you are writing is the best and most important of its kind on the web by some distance. It knits things together in a way Mauri, Svali and others never did or could. What makes it truly shocking is the almost casual way it brings out the extent to which control is exercised over the mundane world. Postmistresses and van drivers are a far cry from jaded billionaires stripping off in remote European castles. Thank you for letting the scales fall from my eyes more completely than I ever thought possible (even if I can’t watch television or read newspapers any more; how does ‘Emily Gyde Ruined My Life’ sound as the title for a book?). I’m only sorry you continue to think I’m working for or being controlled by someone else (‘So you got to pen a few emails by JADE and GILMORE….’) Better I don’t post again if that’s the case. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. Poor lamb. You’ve been lonely all your life haven’t you? Look after yourself girl.
By Antony on MIND CONTROL is a terrifying subject, ANTONY and w... at 12:07

A new comment from ANTONY but I detect the tongue-in-cheek tone of the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD here...and I 'know' that I am he took over from GILMORE and JADE in the end...surely you don't think that I ruined your life? You had great fun - as I recall...and at my expense...

...the reference to the WHITE VAN is something that i need to explore here - isn't it?

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