Friday 29 April 2011

"It almost makes you want to have done it differently - not stopped MARK R" SCARLETT'S POLICE are saying, upon the networks...yes we all pulled out all of the stops to get him and his 'uber-lizards' but at the end of the day, that was simply because they were WORSE than the BRITISH ROYALS...and if the truth be told, how much real difference was there between them?

I can now begin to understand the BI reaction at that WARWICK CENTRE in 1997...which i didn't understand at all - at the time...a feeling of 'victory' and 'successful operation'...the day that LADY DIANA's death was announced....and now I realise that they were 'feeling those things' for completely different reasons...she survived...

So what were those 'reasons' again?

Whose side were you all on, at the time?


You see how everything changes so quickly...

I have already apologised to HEATHER LAING - doing her FILM STUDIES Phd at the time...for getting really angry with the whole faked 'DIANA-DEATH' in "she's just a rich bitch who doesn't care about the rest of us'...

yes it sounded like a very bitchy and 'jealous' comment to could have been phrased a lot more articulately...but it all makes sense now.

When I look back to LADY DIANA....years after her death...coming out of that dreadful 'PRINCE OF MONACO ball in a palace' where the 'characters' invited were so despicable, DICKENSIAN in a way - money-obsessed, social-climbing LIZARDS, even within their own elite class of LIZARD - with her standing upon the top of those grand steps into the view the CRAZY COMPANY, who were cavorting in the fountain below - because we had really had enough of the whole 'show' in the ballroom and wanted to 'get clean' of it all - at a psychic hear LADY DIANA shout loudly:

"OH YAH - the YOBS...LOOK AT THE YOBS!" and to point us out as 'scum of the earth' to her fellow 'one-track-mind lizard brained friends' etc etc...

I mean - what cloud cuckooland area, did she inhabit?

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