Friday 29 April 2011

It just keeps on going back to POLAND - doesn't it?

1992-4 when SONIA, IRISH MARK and myself were hired by the BC ELC at KATOWICE UNIV. to teach English...we were good be called WATCHERS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

POLAND was a 'trading ground' at that point for anything you like...'submarine commander watches that didn't work - DODOs' SEMTEX in suitcases...and 'highly confidential documents'...not to mention TOMLINSON in SBS/SAS mode, freaked out that he had a load of DIAMONDS that he didn't know what to do with....see previous notes.

SCARLETT who knew fluent Russian...

MR PUTIN who had turned up at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI as a disgruntled 'ex-STASI head of the BERLIN division'...and JONATHAN EVANS who had 'known him quite well' in EAST BERLIN...

STELLA RIMINGTON who had joined the KGB in 1961 - see previous notes...

FRANCO ZECHHIN who really threw a fly into the ill cult ointment by turning up at the same 'academic flat/hotel' centre ASYSTENCKI (which literally meant 'assistants/lecturers at the UNIV. - mainly foreigners)...and we freed each other's remote-viewing alters...from ill cult control...

I am not sure what to make of this 'mixed bag' but one thing is clear...water was leaking through the cracks of the ill cult and their planned NWO...

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