Thursday 28 April 2011

Anyway, I flashbacked to PRAGUE 1995 upon that fateful snowy winter evening…and what had happened the DTO exhibition party…

Yes TOBY and RACHEL hadn’t turned up…but most if not all of the rest of us, had…and KATE was really upset…she kept saying ‘where could they be?’ etc etc…

The TASCHMANN ‘dogs’ as I was to term them…tried to drug me - but ended up drugging JUDITH ELLIOTT instead (see previous notes) with Czech champagne, who turned into a ‘zombie’ for a while but it wore off…she lasted the party which had started early and went on until late…

RIMINGTON and EMB walked out in disgust…halfway through the evening…after hearing the stories that I was telling to DALDRY and MALCOLM - for example, one about RIMINGTON ‘going bananas and attacking a waitress with a fork in a LONDON restaurant and then having to be wrestled to the ground by the barman’…that type of thing…RIMINGTON made a sharp exit to the WHITE VAN and took over for some time…and so the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD’s team put together a visualisation for DALDRY to kick her out of his mind ‘put her in a box and throw her off the bridge’ etc etc…

MR PUTIN and a couple of his men, watching the ‘spectacle’ that DALDRY, MALCOLM and I were creating in the centre of the party…he found it all highly entertaining…one of his men was doing a rapid translation commentary…

So what can one guess?

THE PRINCES/TASCHMANNS had thought that they had ‘won PRAGUE’ in a mafia takeover…see previous notes…and nominated RIMINGTON as their QUEEN…it was not to be…because they didn’t know about that CONTROL DESK up at the castle…

PUTIN did…he was very friendly with the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD…’he’s terribly sweet isn’t he’ etc etc…it wasn’t put in by the KGB…the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD had set it up himself…such ingenuity…but of course PUTIN and the KGB then got to know about it….so one could say that this was all a bit COLD WAR…but not as the history books would have you believe…

It was the RUSSIANS fighting back in relation to what they now saw as the BRITISH CROWN monopoly…running the ill cult internationally…see previous notes upon MI5 having been instructed to murder PUTIN in 1993 - he had previously been a loyal TEMPLAR…he escaped and of course, that rather changed EVERYTHING…

However the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD had the bigger picture…and he needed ROCKEFELLER help to do it…’big boy’ as in AMADEUS entered the fray from his radio connection…

As it turned out - PRINCE PHILIP wasn’t the top of the ill cult…and as far as I know it was him who issued the ultimatum that if the ‘rest of us’ could find out enough about the ill cult and their plans for an NWO…then they would call a halt to it…and one wonders why he would have done so? Perhaps because he had realised that he didn’t really run it after all…and so many people then became involved…the PRINCE OF MONACO, TODDY…ALLO ALLO TEAM…to mention a few…and of course GREEN TOWER…with lots of accompanying ‘in-fighting’…

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