Sunday, 3 April 2011

I have been DE-FURRING the KETTLE this morning…and now I get it:


…that called up memories of FATI…who had been put in as the MOTHER HEN of her ‘unit’ of small boys…but she was only a very young child herself and having a nervous breakdown about it all…she needed help fast…

No wonder TOMLINSON had told me that he was my kettle - sticking his tongue out at me…


The PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD had shown me the town sign…and pointed to that manor house and said that he owned it…he had come from ORPINGTON of all places…not PRAGUE etc.

SCARLETT’s POLICE had told me there were many places in the UK…just the same as BLACKHEATH and SOLIHULL…ORPINGTON was one of them…as DAVID BOWIE knew…his ‘patch’ as it were - BROMLEY.

So did the PRAGUE ROTHSCHILD own the PRIORY mentioned in the photos upon the ORPINGTON wiki entry?

Was he the uber-MOTHER SUPERIOR?

He was under the control of the JAPANESE DESK I know that much…

MARTINE was so very brave to take on GILL…because he was run by the JAPANESE MONARCHY desk…and she had to ‘jump ship’ in the end…she wasn’t fighting MARTIN…she was fighting that control desk…exposing it…and the entire program…

MARTINE had realised that as a BRITISH BORN citizen…she wasn’t restricted by JAPANESE PATRIARCHY…that is what it came down to…

FATI was better off…she had been brought up in a MATRIARCHAL society to begin with…in TURKEY.

The UK is an ‘uneasy tension’ between PATRIARCHAL and MATRIARCHAL forces, at present…

My mother loved TURKISH culture immediately…she ‘understands’ MATRIARCHY and always saw herself as a MATRIARCH…but she didn’t get JAPANESE culture at all…it ‘frightened’ her…

I say ‘uneasy tension’ because feminism is often blamed for attacking PATRIARCHY and destabilising society…yes, feminism wasn’t a good idea in terms of ROCKEFELLER aims to divide and conquer…to basically destroy family life…but it was a double-edged sword…mothers didn’t have to see themselves as 1950s Barbie dolls in their ‘commodity run’ consumerist showcase homes (although in SOLIHULL you might be forgiven for thinking that some women were trying to do just that - in the 1970s)…feminism changed its original tack and decided to honour mothers too…

MATRIARCHAL women have always tended to distrust feminism…they tend to go upon their instincts…hold the family together, whatever as their main goal in life…rather than getting ahead at work - political banners and demonstrations…

TOMLINSON adored my mother…she represented the type of woman that his culture revered…holding the family together, whatever…perhaps it was FATI behind that one…

MARTINE was different…brought up to believe that she was a Japanese little girl in a highly PATRIARCHAL society…but MARTINE eventually rebelled…she took them all on…and began to make her way back to ‘being British’…her own unique culture. “I am British” she says “that’s what I did”.
The ORPINGTON HENS…over to you, DALDRY - upon that one…

I remembering laughing at DALDRY in PRAGUE that BIG MOTHER HEN…joking about how when you had tea…DALDRY always had to pour…nobody else was ever allowed control of the teapot…and he began to giggle wickedly…like a little girl who has been found out.

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