Sunday, 3 April 2011

The latest post upon HENRY MAKOW's site is an odd one - because having read through it in utter first reactions were:

This guy was targetted by the ill - and every ill cult female slave whom he would find attractive - was 'sent against him' - to utterly destroy any relationship that he might have with the opposite sex...

My second thought was - this is a disguised account of the life of WARREN BEATTY. His face and family -flashed up before my which one was JULIE CHRISTIE then?

Anyway, the reply was as interesting as the article itself - from a woman who had had it just as bad 'on the other side of the tracks':

V said (April 2, 2011):

I was and am the throw-back fifties Christian housewife --supportive, nurturing, caring, responsible- never took a drugs or drank-and chaste. From age 24 to 46 -my 2 x husbands and various serious relationships all ended because
while I relinquished power and control and let the man lead me. They all lead me and us into disaster from their secret addictive behavior

Now its not just so simple as to say, "Don't pick bums!" --because my husbands and boyfriends were Harvard educated or other top Universities
had high paying jobs and played the part of being upstanding good guys--but the crazy insane pull of the Tiger Woods life style is heavily marketed to these guys and they are just dupes for falling for it. Now they are disasters -broke -lost their lucrative jobs and health. Years later they come back crying like babies for me to take them back and feeling so bad that they didn't realize a good thing when they had it. Men are so easily corrupted by sleaze.

Now 47, I have moved on after lots of pain and wasted time. I am now dating a 41 year old guy that said he used to be one of the above guys but has learned his lesson and is grateful for finding me-a good woman. Although he did admit to me that at times he misses the slutty-dressed women but with my help I'm waking him up to that brainwashing. I am very supportive of him as he is also financially struggling after living a stupid party life but he seems to have lots of potential. So far he's the best thing I've met. If I could find a guy that was a clean Christian real man that was a provider -protector I would definitely chose him--just can not find this perfect guy you seem to allude to all the time, Henry. So I am making a Man out of the one I have. And I have high hopes that one day with my support he will be financially successful! And just to protect myself I'm his business partner if he decides to run off with a younger woman once I help him become a millionaire.

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