Yes, OBAMA - APE OF DEATH...head of the CIA....a 'half-breed'...see PLANET OF THE APES...capable of 'intelligence' according to the ARABS but 'not really'...
...and one last point to add here...those who had been of the JESUIT ORDER and left join MEL GIBSON'S frequency desk....the images of 'GILL/TOMLINSON' in the above video (wideboy who is friends with 'boy who never gets it right' but is guided by wideboy friend who loves him)....those images of them at the MONKEY programming scene...are 'demonic jesuits' who are trying to make things right....out of the VATICAN and onto the street....they are trying to make it right....the righthand path and not the ill cult version...
...but by making 'bad hair' - 'good hair'? I do not think so....
...however, you can see what was going on...I can remember trying to do so myself at the TEMPLAR CASTLE with black women who wanted to break out of boundaries (inspired by RASHIDA)...'do not think that you cannot be blonde in any style that you can and it will look good- just use the right shade to suit your complexion and the style to suit your 'shape of skull/face'.... of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful women of her generation....GOLD works....
Do not limit yourself...that is all I can it a 'working out of racism and difference by becoming the other and then swinging the pendulum back to yourself, once you have gained their trust'...a very generic rule but one that works....
It doesn't help that in 1980, I was programmed as a ORANG-U-TAN too....a 'half-breed' but there you go....anyway, on to the next image:
programming the 'apes' courtesy of TADCO 'cuckooo' satanic princesses - from IRAN.
MACDONALD as the GRIM REAPER and in TAXI-DRIVER mode...driving you to your death....a reference to the CIA and US INTELLIGENCE in general....
TODDY posing as a TREE in a HALL OF MIRRORS...yes GILL identified him immediately as the major programmer who put you through that....and I can remember that one...he put us through it all again - using that same 'room of mirrors' and the usual programming shit:
A jokey rendition - pictorially - of those AT BOHEMIAN GROVE...with those being programmed under HAIRDRESSING SALOON EQUIPMENT beforehand - clapping to the beat of those under the 'structuring absence' which is the OWL STATUE...
....HEAD-BANGING TO THE BEAT (see the video to 'get' the whole symbolism - see previous notes upon the SATANIC PRINCESSES of TADCO and their hairdressing saloon at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...)
For the record...a young woman who experimented artistically with her hair - at the AFRO-CARIBBEAN centre in HANDSWORTH....really got my day, her hair was just pinned behind her head....and she looked 'nobody'....the next day...she had set and dried it in curlers to balance her whole profile and look like a QUEEN OF EGYPT....and i was struck by her come i didn't notice it because of a 'bad hairstyle'?
Okay, we are only talking about 'appearance' here....but appearance is a daily life, matter-of-fact thing....we judge by appearances until we have more knowledge and understanding...sometimes we do not feel that we need 'more knowledge and understanding' is treat everybody as a 'special person'...but it has to become a be able to do is very important indeed....
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