Saturday, 26 February 2011

I wondered why I was digging around LANGLEY SENIORS again…and of course the usual suspect ABBAS came up…but there was more…quite a bit more…and that is when I remembered ROZ and myself ‘not quite getting what DEB MCD had done’ but the rest of the CIA LAB got it immediately and that is why that ‘fun sketch’ IS IT RACIST? - was to be born upon THAT MITCHELL AND WEBB LOOK.

So what was it all about?

On a Wednesday afternoon, ABBAS used to be allowed to rape whoever he liked…that normally included ‘buxom girls’ such as SUE BAKER, JUDITH SHERIDAN and was it DENISE? I can remember her face but I am not sure about the name…anyway, ABBAS also used to anally rape ROBERTO CIPOLLA whilst shouting at him ‘you’re not so clever now are you?’

Nobody was allowed to walk through the hall - because you had to pass that ‘medical room’ if you did…upon a Wednesday afternoon…I can remember once being told to do so by RIMINGTON to pass a message on to a teacher urgently and was stopped by the ENGLISH/DRAMA teacher and told off severely - until RIMINGTON on the tannoy system, ‘put paid to her’…anyway, I could hear ‘something strange’ going on in that room, as I passed it…

ABBAS used to use ISLAMIC mind control hand signals at those in the room - to terrorise them…he had been groomed from birth to be an ARAB SLAVE-DRIVER…and used to shout at them all that he was ‘god’…and slap them viciously around the face if they answered back etc etc…and they would have to watch as each of them was raped/abused…

CLAIRE used to say ‘ARTHUR is extremely mentally disturbed and we have to pray for his soul’ to various groups of pupils…yes, everybody knew that something was up…but we were all micro chipped and under mind control - not to mention drugging at lunchtime…etc etc…

Anyway, FAIRBROTHER was closet gay and he fancied ABBAS (probably the only person in the school to do so) - he used to be the righthand man of ABBAS…and he used to beat up his mother too - and sister and father…FAIRBROTHER…the more we looked into him, well, he was as evil a seed - as you can get…attached to a gypsy family which was then warned…if you stand up for that evil seed, you are all dead…FAIRBROTHER was eventually killed in a car accident, his father was driving…SUE WHALLEY was forced to go to the funeral by ABBAS to make him look ‘less gay’…and the family were all very curious….they even told her so…they had all figured he was closet gay…

So what happened?

DEB MCD was on duty in the radio room…and she could see on CCTV what was going on in that room…she got onto the tannoy and got the girls and CIPOLLA to taunt ABBAS into raping somebody his own size e.g. SPENCE…SPENCE was then brought in…SPENCE reacted to ABBAS by kicking him hard in the balls (one of the few children, upon whom, mind control didn‘t work)…ABBAS fainted…and then the group found some BLACK LEATHER SHOE POLISH and put it all over ABBAS’ face…you can guess the results…SUE WHALLEY then met him in the corridor and told him…he hadn’t guessed…he was mortified…and didn’t return to school for days…until it had all come off…

So why did the CIA guys find that one so amusing? ABBAS was the biggest RACIST out…upon hitherto unknown and misunderstood levels…he was RACIST against the entire school…and of course, as an ARAB - he hated black Africans (as we were to find out - FAIRBROTHER warned him not to be because it ‘looked bad‘ - yes ABBAS was that thick, yelling out racist slurs at black kids in the first year, at dinner time)…and so to ‘rub his nose in it’ by ‘blacking up his face’ - was pure genius. It put him in his place like nothing else. Total humiliation.

So that is how the MUGABE and his MILITIAMEN sketch was born…

…and guess what the CIA decided to do to OBAMA if he dared to step out of line?

Yes, threats along the lines of ‘we black up your face’ put you in front of a mike, dressed as a MR MUGABE MILITIAMAN and get you to roleplay the whole thing…that should entertain the whole of the USA eh? Far more so than OSAMA BIN LADEN…

OBAMA was also one of the biggest RACISTS out…a born and bred ARAB SLAVE-DRIVER…a cuckoo of the KHOMEINI family who ‘owned the school’ in terms of mind control slaves.

...and the threat of being triggered to 'black up' and go out to his next public conference in 'Mugabe militiaman' role...will most probably, one hopes...keep OBAMA firmly under control.

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