I remembered a funny story that SARA CONKEY had once told me about her Pentacostal 'teenagers' bible study weekend in the countryside'...how once the teenagers had retired to their respective male and female dormitories i.e. log cabins and locked the front door...the girls heard a tapping on the window...they opened it to be doused by a fire hydrant hose - and their cabin flooded with water...yes, boys will be boys...however Christian their beliefs...apparently the course leader found it funny - I mean he didn't tell them off too severely...and in retrospect I can see why...just a naughty prank but how 'phallic'...
Anyway, I looked up SARA on NORTON because she used to be a BBC RADIO 4 producer for many years - and came across this very strange GREEN ROOM article:
...and I knew that this image had been used in ill cult programming:
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