Monday 28 February 2011

Anyway, one can assume that it was something to do with the JAPANESE 'WC' as in brainwashing' military underground base...and that most probably GILL had gone back to NY and had a couple of kids with somebody...well, he is 'out on the streets' for that one...

...those two chimneys in the PROSPECT LANE house...I can remember now, RIMINGTON showing me the 'furnace' underneath...where TODDY and her, used to put the remains know what...she called it something akin to Auschwitz and that is what those metal drawers looked doubt, removed by now...

BI had obviously gone round Solihull upon MARK R's command, to remove all traces of evidence...the graveyard behind OLTON FRIARY appears to have been expanded, gravestones moved and entirely landscaped...and a large copse of trees now hides where that TENNIS COURT was...

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