I am posting the article below because it chimes in with everything that I know about military mind control - and at the highest levels. For example, I know how AMADEUS set up the 'echoes on the wind' program which I began to hear circa 2005. It is an FBI 'tape' computerised program - which was set-up to lead me through this 13TH ONE ill cult game. It didn't bother me at the time because I had already agreed to go through with it, in order to expose everything that I have done, upon my blogs. The tapes were to act as an AIDE MEMOIRE. At some point the tapes will stop - the likelihood is very soon because we are pretty much at the end of this 'sick game' - I have exposed all of the key players and their part in this sickness. So no, I never believed in 'angels and demons' and nor did I believe in 'aliens' because I was lucky enough to remember 'far more than I should' about how the military operate - I was 'in on it' from the beginning - 1980 and the GOLDEN CHAIN:
Letters to The Editor
Norway Man Confusing Mind Control Victimization with "Spirit Guides"
December 9, 2010
Norway Man Confusing Mind Control Victimization with "Spirit Guides" (Dec. 9, 2010)
Subject: Please advice me on my issue!
From: Daniel (Norway)
Date: Tue, December 7, 2010
To: Ken Adachi
My name Is Daniel. I'm 27 years old and I live in Norway. Could you please share your knowledge about God and the spirit guides and what they can do and cannot do to me? Every day I experience being commanded by voices in my head and urging impulses to do and say things that I don't want to do or say, often irrational, hurting and violent things. It's like I'm being forced and I hear voices that say "You must" or "say it" "do it"! And I get the sensation that I sin so terribly by not doing what the voices and impulses urge and command me to do, like I'm disobedient to my spirit guides or God. I live in constant worry, doubt, guilt and feeling of disobedience and intimidation. I can honestly say that I'm not free.
Like I cannot choose for myself what to do or not to do without feeling judged for it or feeling sinful and disobedient. I have wondered if I might have implants, but I believe so strongly that it's my spirit guides commanding and urging me.
Other voices I hear is "shut up", "silent",- this too I believe is from my spirit guides, and a verse from the bible: "shake of fear", and this I believe Jesus Christ is saying!! Also, I get thoughts, impulses and ideas about hitting and killing and whenever I see a knife or scissor it's like something or someone is urging me to use it on another being, and I get the idea that it's in my karma to harm or kill another being to achieve balance for my soul. In addition to this I also experience being hit and pushed in my head and lifted in my hand quite often,-especially when I'm about to use my computer to read or chat with my girlfriend, and this too I believe is my guides, but I feel intimidated to stay away from the PC! I have no idea what to believe anymore. I really can't say I believe that I have free will,- if I have I am certainly not respected for my choices cause I experience being forced and corrected all the time and always get impulses and ideas of saying/doing things that will hurt another being and leave me completely irrational. Everything I have read and believed in don't have value anymore cause my experience of life contradicts all that! Please reply and tell me what you think.
Thank You!
Hello Daniel,
You're being victimized by mind control technologies. You are not hearing from Spirit Guides or angels. or Jesus, or God, despite your impression to the contrary. You are definitely implanted. You can take that to the bank.
These implants are allowing this technology to work. The signals are being transmitted into your brain by microwaves and scalar transmissions. There are either humans, aliens, or COMPUTERS responsible for what you are hearing.
You are in some kind of "program" run by your government, your military, intelligence agencies, powerful corporate interests, a cult group, or even law enforcement. You likely have a family connection that set you up for this. Or you were involved with some group or organization that targeted you for victimization.
You probably already have a firm suspicion as to whom I'm referring. Why don't you fill in the blanks for me so we can both learn more?
Regards, Ken
Subject: Re: Please advice me on my issue!
From: Daniel
Date: Fri, December 10, 2010
To: Ken Adachi
Thanks for your reply Ken.
I actually hope you're right, because then I have hope that the implants will be removed.
I can tell you that I have been in and out of psychiatric institutions since I was nineteen and is currently in one now. I'm 27 now. also, I have been on a medication called Risperdal for about four years. I get this "medication" through injections into my butt every second week and I have thought this"medication" might contain implants. do you know anything about this drug and the treatment??
What family connection I have regarding implants I am unsure of, but my family have always trusted the psychiatry and they were the ones that got me committed the first times and have never questioned the treatment or the doctors.
If only I knew I am implanted I would have a much different approach to what I am experiencing, but right now I know nothing and nothing seems right anymore.
Please reply.
Thank You!
Hi Daniel,
Psychiatric drugs are damaging and harmful as they produce long term side effects affecting the nervous system. You should try to get legal help to get out of there. The people who run psychiatric hospitals know all about the mind control programs, because they work hand in hand with the intelligence services, etc, but they won't admit anything to you, so don't bother asking them.
There are many thousands upon thousands of people around the world who are in the same situations you are, so don't think you are alone. If you keep telling these "voices" in your head that you are aware of their game and you know that they are human scum bags and not spirit guides, etc. If you stick to your guns, they will eventually drop the BS and admit to you that they are messing with you.
Don't doubt yourself. That's what they want. You're being victimized, have no doubt about it. Try turning the tables on them and talk about love and forgiveness and Light and tell them there is nothing to be gained from a life of evil and darkness. You might be surprised at what you hear back from them.
Subject: Re: Please advice me on my issue!
From: Daniel
Date: Fri, December 10, 2010
To: Ken Adachi
Thank You Ken.
Again, I do hope you're right. I don't want this to be coming from guides, the Lord or God.
Hi Daniel,
Perhaps your life experiences have prevented you from understanding some basic concepts concerning our interaction with the spirit world. Spirit Guides, Angels, God, Jesus, and our Higher Self are certainly real, but they don't express their influence to us through out conscience mind.
Their influence is much more subtle than that and it arises within the SUBCONSCIOUS mind. What we call "intuition" or a pang of "conscience" when we are about to do something bad, is how your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides communicate with you. They don't produce voices in your head and they certainly wouldn't tell you things of a negative nature or to berate you or condemn you or anything as nutsy as that. Like I already told you, you are being victimized by humans (and perhaps aliens) because you are snagged in some sort of mind control operation.
There's nothing mysterious or mystical about it. Somebody is sitting at a computer terminal somewhere in an underground facility and is sending you these voices. It is often done AUTOMATICALLY by COMPUTERS, but very often humans will talk to you directly to torment you in some way.
You didn't tell me when this started. There was some point in your life that you didn't hear these voices and then at some later point you did. Somewhere around the time when you first began to hear these voices is where to look for whoever set you up for this.
Regards, Ken
Monday, 28 February 2011
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