Monday 28 February 2011

in minniecricket's inbox today:

Unread 出合い [Eliza Manningham-Buller] New comment on . Sun, 27/2/11 8KB
Unread I'm in - James Caan's big prime property idea Fri, 25/2/11 28KB


meeting - Japanese

Leaves gathers い - traditional Chinese

in EMB's spam today:
By 出合い on (Untitled Post) on 27/02/11
Delete | Not Spam
By デコログ on (Untitled Post) on 24/02/11

Japanese translation:
If now, meeting is sought, the coconut!! It can sneak away from boring every day the chance which here! Always, the one which method of sighing which does not have meeting and is troubled distantly by all means in this site! It just utilizes being able to experience cute meeting you are not wrong! By meeting ON (Untitled Post) ON 27/02/11 Delete | Not Spam There is no encounter? The Japanese biggest community sight, in [dekorogu] the same circumstances as you the cup you apply! Searching the profile of the partner who would like to search, you will find the partner of ideal! You search at neighborhood? You search with [purohu]? As for method of encountering your circumstance! By [dekorogu] ON (Untitled Post) ON 24/02/11

Traditional Chinese translation:

Now, gathers い を asks め て い る な ら コ コ!! Draws back Qu な毎 the date か ら 抜 け せ る チ ャ ン ス が こ こ に! Japan just now leaves gathers い が does not have い と お sighs き の the side, お sleepy り の Fang は to work as サ イ ト に ぜ ひ! ご the use す る だ け で element enemy な gathers い が the body 験 で き る こ と to disobey い な し! By leaves gathers い on (Untitled Post) on 27/02/11 Delete | Not Spam Leaves meets い が あ り ま せ ん か? Japanese biggest level の コ ミ ュ ニ テ ィ サ イ ト, デ コ ロ グ に は あ な た と with じ circumstances の Fang がわ ん さ か い ま す! Searches し た い the hand の プ ロ フ ィ ー ル を 検 rope し て ideal の hand を to see つ け よ う! ご near さ ん で searches す? プ ロ フ で searches す? Leaves meets い Fang はあ the な た grading! By デ コ ロ グ on (Untitled Post) on 24/02/11

All about FANG again and that is a reference to what does it mean?

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