Monday 28 February 2011

Yes, before i left 'intelligence' - knowing more than the entirety of BI put together...I had 'set in stone' various things to see, when you can plan the future...and see what people will do...and set the future take no quarter from have the lock it up, bind them in circles...and then watch it all play out...

French Intelligence Agency, DGSE, Accused of Domestic Radiation & Chemical Torture

[Editor's Note: The author of this article identifies himself only as "J.R.A.", a now-retired Lt. Colonel of the US Army who formerly worked for the Pentagon. He says that his difficulties began in April 2006 while assigned to a US embassy in North Africa. where agents of DGSE attempted to recruit him. His carefully detailed account of how secret-technology radiation weapons, as well as chemical poisoning, are clandestinely applied to his every waking move, parallels almost exactly the information I've received from other victims of radiation/poisoning torture .His suspicion that he was targeted in a tit-for-tat vendetta because of disparaging comments he made to French operatives, seems logical It is also obvious, however, that his tormentors are acting with the knowledge and cooperation of the highest echelons of US security & Intelligence. When an US Army officer, who clearly performed within an intelligence capacity for the Pentagon, DIA, and CIA, is himself targeted for covert electronic torture and harassment, it's time to recognize that all NWO operatives and minions respect NO boundaries of national identity or loyalty. The people who engage in these activities, regardless of the country of their birth, are corrupt and diabolical CRIMINALS who are merely using the FACADE of national service to legitimize their heinous corruption. The pendulum will eventually swing the other way, and those who dish it out will themselves be on the receiving end of their actions. Of that you can be certain.

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