Saturday, 26 February 2011

I was going to talk about ‘changing perceptions’ but then stopped myself…I didn’t mean that at all…what a misnomer…is it useful for anything at all?

What I meant to say was ‘changing ideas’…

The two are NOT the same.

Changing ideas, about something is NOT the same as ‘changing perceptions’ - for example:

Changing perceptions simply means a ’change in your sensory pick-up’ e.g. ‘I’ve got a cold and I cannot taste things that well’ and ‘where are my glasses?‘ …and even ‘did you drug that drink - is that why I am seeing strange colour effects around the room …and time has slowed down?‘ etc etc…

So the next time you pick up some silly academic book which talks about ‘changing perceptions’…know that it is not as it appears…anybody who uses that word, in that context (to mean ’changing ideas’) - is heavily under mind control.

I was going to talk about what SCARLETT’s POLICE are calling ‘sleight of hand’…in relation to the ‘MAGIC’ OF THE MEDIA…

For example - upon that LIFE magazine site…I went through photos of LADY DIANA, the divorce and then CAMILLA and suddenly realised, for the first time in my life - that CAMILLA, photo for photo - was better looking than DIANA…

DIANA for the most part, looks like an ordinary girl with blonde high-lights - with often as not - a bit of a scowl on her babyish features…which CAMILLA couldn’t get away with at all…with her ‘adult bone structure’…she would look incredibly frightening, if she gave those sorts of looks to camera, in public…

I then thought about ‘sleight of hand’ in relation to CLASS…and how a lot of people decide to live a middle-class lifestyle but continue to call themselves working-class and tend to terrorise the middle-classes with their DIALECTS and ‘no nonsense’ statements…my mother wasn’t one of them…she wanted to ‘lose’ being working class…but when in Clacton for example…she goes straight into working class dialect, with the working class people around her…a mixture of Northern and Suffolk…and a ‘no nonsense’ attitude…she gives as good as she gets…

I remember one funny incident - down in DEVON…my family had got off a train and ‘something was wrong’ - I cannot remember what…but my mother was a in a filthy mood…’GRANDMA’ as in GILES cartoon, sort of mood…we were all about to pile into a taxi…but the driver had seen my mother coming…he opened the door to the front seat and said loudly “You look like trouble, my love - you sit here” and he bustled her in…Mum was speechless with fury…hardened but wordless anger…and he regaled her, for the entire journey - so that she couldn’t get a word in edgeways…deftly handled…I was choking with laughter in the back…nobody else out of my family was…they had read the danger signals and best to keep your head down…the only man, that I have ever seen, get the better of her.

Anyway, what was I trying to get at…and what were SCARLETT’s POLICE talking about? ‘Sleight of hand’…pretending to do one thing, whilst doing another, behind the scenes - the classic MAGICIAN’s act… and pretending to be one thing, whilst being another - or in the above example about CLASS - being both but pretending to be only one thing, IN order to get the upper hand…that type of thing.

…I began to realise that the ‘sleight of hand’ business, surrounding LADY DIANA…and the fact that she didn’t die in that tunnel in PARIS…was one of the biggest ‘sleights of hand’ in the business.

…as the landed gentry had queried…circa 2003...she comes from this incredibly wealthy family, so we are told…and yet has worked as a cleaner, nanny etc…see the LIFE magazine photos and blurbs…and ‘something is not quite right there, is it?’ as in ‘our daughters hire nannies - they don‘t train as them‘…something was ‘not quite right’ and from the beginning….and ‘if the beginning isn’t good - nothing good will come of it’ - CHINESE proverb.

I realise that I am only scraping the top of an MI6 iceberg here….plans which were laid before the GOLDEN CHAIN got going in 1980 - after this oh-so-famous ROYAL marriage (see image of toddler rocking the DELICATE CHINA TEACUP edifice)…and then every intelligence agency got in on the act…

Maybe somebody should take an ICE-PICK to it in due course…

“Whatever happened to…LEON TROTSKY…he got an ICE-PICK…”

….and let us not go near SHARON STONE’s ‘most famous film role’…

“MICHAEL DOUGLAS is an absolute bastard” the networks are saying…you mean in relation to the HOLLYWOOD ill? No wonder some people had sympathy with STONE’s character and her ice-pick then…so why didn’t she ‘do’ him at the end of the movie?

The answer is as follows - there were two endings to the movie - and the majority of the ‘test trial’ audiences liked the ‘happy ending’.

I remember reading a rather queer interview by a journalist who had known STONE before she became famous - he was entertaining a HOLLYWOOD bigwig and she was the ‘girlfriend‘ and described as having a massively high IQ…mousey, bookish, glasses and nose in an intellectual book…that was before her debut on screen as MS ICE-PICK.

I then remembered that interview with her -as an established top HOLLYWOOD STAR…and how she told the interviewer…MR THEROUX was it…somebody like him…that sometimes she switched into an old role and began to play out that character in real life…and she couldn’t help it…however she was in control of the situation….she ‘knew’ which character was which…so her CORE was watching the ‘fragments’ so to speak…

ROBERTO DE NIRO used to apparently swear by METHOD ACTING in interviews…as in ‘be the part…do not act at all’….and that appears to be the way that HOLLYWOOD directors programmed their ill cult slaves to be…to believe that they were the people that they played…and that must be really hard to recover from…


….in 1992, FRANCO ZECHHIN told me that the master of METHOD ACTING was a POLISH director called something like GROTOVSKY…yes, I know that is wrong…I will have to remember the precise name but it began with a ‘G‘ and sounded something like GROTOVSKY…a man, who had taught METHOD ACTING…and FRANCO had met the ‘love of his life’ at a drama workshop of this director in POLAND…and none of it made sense to me…he wasn’t a famous photographer at the time…and LETTICIA BATTAGLIA (who, decades later on - was later to become a political STAR in SICILY) was a divorcee who was trying to recover from a severe nervous breakdown, according to him (“I used to help her, it was terrible what she was going through“)…so how come, the pair of them had got those highly prized ‘tickets’ to attend a course with the ‘most famous’ and ‘groundbreaking’ theatre director of the period?

Funnily enough - before I even went to DARTINGTON…my brother HUMPHREY with a passing interest in directing plays, at OXBRIDGE - had told me about this director and his workshops…a sort of ‘holy grail’ for most budding actors/actresses…as well as wannabe directors etc etc…

…yet this guy was apparently only teaching TECHNIQUE and not much else…I had never heard of a successful film or play, that had been directed by somebody of that name…something like GROTOFSKI.

Santa Claus in his GROTTO?

This is all about MIND CONTROL isn’t it?

Other notes:


I can remember now…MARK R had constructed the ‘set’ precisely and decided to program the CIA LAB with it…ROZ and MCDONALD went first…

ROZ was brilliant in TAYLOR’s role…she could have been on stage…and essentially it is a stage play…she was never as good, IMHO….as when she was playing that role…so obviously, she enjoyed it…letting herself go…which she didn’t normally do…and she outshone MCDONALD entirely…as the husband, that is…the fear in his eye, as he approached from behind, timorously, with the gun…said it all…he was scared…you could see it.

Things were getting a bit ‘out of control’ - in relation to the dramatic re-enactments that MARK R and the ill in general, were putting us through…

Anyway, he pointed the gun at her…then a load of imitation FLOWERS came out of it - (TODDY at work here?).

Next up - it was GILL and myself…

Now, having had to play the young, innocent and frightened ‘newly wed’ for the ROZ and MCDONALD scene…and against all ‘acting regulations’…we had all been really drinking whiskey etc…I was as tight as a drum…and giggling.

So after I had done the scene to ‘no effect’…because I could never really get angry with GILL…I then sat back down on the sofa to do the ‘rest of the scene’ regaling ROZ and MCDONALD as the ‘newly wedded couple’…and then it happened…

The nozzle of the rifle…I was too ‘wrecked’ to even care….I didn’t even turn round when the other two screamed…so he began to nudge my left ear with it - from behind, as I sat upon the sofa giggling…

…so I said something along the lines of ‘just do it now, let it be quick’ laughing helplessly…because a part of me didn’t know…whether or not there was a real bullet in the barrel…that was always the way with the ill…but at that point, I was past caring…

…and then the loudest explosion that I had ever heard, went off in my left ear…and it was so painful, that I figured that I would never be able to hear again, with that ear - the eardrum must have burst, surely?….that sent me berserk.

…into DELTA ALTER in fact…so I sprang, like a big cat off the sofa…and then back onto it…running over it as it, as it tipped backwards, in order to get at GILL, out of the doorway…who had sprinted off….

The sofa tipped - I was too drunk to make the right landing…hurt my ankle really badly as I landed upon the floor beyond it and ended up falling almost flat on my face…ROZ and MCDONALD fell about laughing, I could hear them behind me…

…that didn’t deter me…as I saw GILL already halfway up the staircase in the lobby…yes, I couldn’t walk….but I knew what would call him back into that room…I hadn’t given up the chase yet…

I hobbled to the sideboard - where conveniently placed…was his ‘favourite camera’….so I picked up that….shouted out to him ‘is this your favourite camera?’….and then hurled it against the wall…

…re-enter GILL rapido…yes, there were other objects in that ’set’ living room, that he didn’t want smashed…in his bag, to the back of the room, as it turned out…

…and he entered with a soothing gesture to us all…as in palms of hands wafting up and down, pushing ‘whatever it was - the energy of the room - to the floor‘…to take control of the environment…”let us all keep calm”…

I held my position in front of the fallen sofa…with legs akimbo…even though I was in intense pain from my ankle and ear….and coolly and slowly retorted “I am CALM”…because I was in DELTA martial arts alter at that point and he knew it…all I meant to say was ‘you haven’t got one over me’…‘I was ‘calm’ before you were‘…sort of thing…but I am watching everything that you do, like a hawk (because yes, behind the calm - I am still livid but counting the seconds, to take myself away from that state of mind)…

…and all filmed by MARK R and his ill cult friends….because they figured that we were all ‘such a laugh’…

HENRY vs. MARTIN maybe…

I have never acted that way, to anybody else in my entire life…mainly because I never cared about anybody else that much…not worth the bother…

MARTIN GILL brought out the best in me…and that is an odd point…because he never ever brought out the worst…

Yes it might sound funny to say that it was the ‘best’…but I only tackled him….and I never ever shouted obscenities or general verbal abuse at him…I always thought very carefully about what I shouted at him….it had to be ‘REAL’ because he demanded everything to be REAL in our relationship or it was ‘off’…so I used to think very hard about what had really, really pissed me off about him….and I would find the vocabulary for that ’understanding’….and then shout that at him….

If you ‘sound off’ with things that ‘aren’t real’ - stuff you heard your mate shout at somebody…or stuff you figure is ‘cool’ off a TV set or off FILM (because your alter ego identifies with a character and you want to act it out and use their words)…you are more lifeless, as a human being - than the flickering screen…and less of a person as a result.

Make language your own tool. Use your own.

Take control of language. Use it under your own control.

Don’t become a sad pastiche of ‘media quotes’ and ‘whatever people say on TV which sounds cool’…

“…and by doing that, my son” says MCDONALD “you will become a real human being.”

Yes it goes for the DAUGHTERS too - doesn’t it.

GILL goes further: “if you are yourself - you are an original”…he was talking about a MONTY PYTHON sketch where you have the famous Scottish artist WHISTLER and OSCAR WILDE….WILDE is saying to WHISTLER “I wish I had said that” to which WHISTLER replies “you will, you will” meaning - OSCAR was a magpie…picking up ‘good words’ as the French literal translation goes - he would use an ‘good phrase that he had heard from WHISTLER and claim it as his own‘…and repeat those picked up phrases, like a MYNAH bird….you don’t want to be like that…or if you do ‘love a phrase’ use it with a twist and re-invent it….give it your own meaning…or better still…understand the style….and then go and invent some new ones…

“HUMOUR is an under-rated art” says MCDONALD.


The ill tended to throw together, people that made them laugh the most…hence the CIA LAB…for some reason, the chemistry was right…and then film them to death…

I was never ‘funny’ apart from in that group and particularly in relation to GILL…

GILL/MCDONALD/SC were funny - whatever….

ROZ had originally had designs upon being a ‘serious actress’…COMEDY wasn’t something that she was interested in…but she ‘loved to laugh’….and they got her on that one.

SC was the most enigmatic of that CIA LAB team…he could produce the ‘fall on your face’ laughter in relation to AIR SUPPLY and his ‘learning how to play the bagpipes well enough for a wedding, in a very short space of time’ (see also his MO alter - dark hair, brown eye contact lens - in relation to CARROTS and Buckingham Palace interview with the Metropolitan Police)…but apart from that, he kept himself hidden. (behind MCDONALD).


MRS GRAHAM of 104 St Bernards Road…she had wanted to protect her son BEN - who had taken advantage of me sexually, along with his ‘mates’ in H class - because RIMINGTON had encouraged them all to do so to ‘earn points’ on the ill cult system I.e. ‘one of them has got to impregnate her, so I can ‘eat’ - three months down the line….

BEN actually cared about me…but not that much…he stood up for me against ABBAS but that was it…he wasn’t a strong enough character…too ‘middleclass’ to do anything about it…ABBAS reduced him to a crying child ‘why aren’t I strong enough to deal with ABBAS?’ BEN told his mother…because you hadn’ told ABBAS - in front of the dinner hall…that he was a snivelling creepy little piece of shit….etc etc…not words in BEN GRAHAM’s vocabulary, about anybody.

ABBAS was allowed by the ill cult…on WEDNESDAY afternoons…to rape the girls that he fancied, from that school…he like the ‘fat girls’ in the main but eventually decided upon SUE WHALLEY….RIMINGTON had primed WHALLEY beforehand…’take control of him, psychicly’….and she did…after that - in ‘real time’ at that school….ABBAS used to follow her around, proclaiming her a goddess to all and sundry., to his mates and any male around, in particular…

He HATED me because I had called in a ‘favour’ from the PRINCE WILLIAM network…this was all telepathic and weird….but ABBAS disappeared for a while, from school because of ‘illness’…I know no more about it - than that.

Anyway, MRS GRAHAM and her family at NUMBER 104 ST BERNARDS ROAD…yes, your son used to weep that he loved me (whilst at school)…I had made it quite clear to you that I had to be with GILL…that no other route was possible….within rebel group meetings…I couldn’t even think about deviating from that course…it would have destroyed the network…

…and in the end, I followed GILL wherever he took me….and we both found out…pretty much the lot…as we had been supposed to do…that is, what other remote-viewers, even before our births - had figured that we would do….along with many others, along the way…and that is why we were all kept ‘close together’….see previous notes upon ROZ turning up at the ST BERNARDS ROAD convent….the BROOKS family living close by….and so on…

What was MRS GRAHAM’s religion….I cannot remember…apart from her saying that she was an atheist and having big rows with NANKEVILLE in public…

When I look back on it now - perhaps it was all for show and the roles were reversed - who knows?

VIRGINIA GRAHAM loved humour…and that is what made her ‘last Eng. Lit class’ a joy to be in….and why most of us got good grades…she could point out the humour and laugh….and we did too….in JANE AUSTEN particularly…

After all of the ‘horror’ in relation to ‘staff’ knowing that I was dating GILL…even though I didn’t know it myself…GRAHAM took me aside…she told me sternly about her life….how she had grown upon in the 60s addicted to mother’s little helper’s and then alcohol…she told me that she was a complete alcoholic….and that this was because she had been ‘held back’ and she didn’t want me to go that way….I.e. getting extremely drunk at the weekends (but not so I couldn’t catch a bus home -only 5 unit’s on a Friday night- so not ‘criminal’).

…however there was concern that I might ‘top’ myself at some point - obviously - using alcohol and paracetamol etc….from the extreme pressure that the ill cult were putting upon me.

…and then I got it about GRAHAM…after LINDA FORD told me’…she doesn’t care a jot, luuvie - she brews home beer to knock your head off in her cellar’…

…I made ‘enquiries’ and found out that this was true.

The social tag ‘alcoholic’ hadn’t worked on MRS GRAHAM…she did her job teaching Eng Lit. well…she wasn’t pissed when she did it…what more can one ask for?



101 means interrogation - was that the SHACKLEY HOUSEHOLD or close by?

Anyway, 104



…and according to LINDA FORD…the stuff that would send the top of your head off and LINDA could drink in a way that I never could…so what are we saying here? What BASEMENT programming went on at number 104?

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