Saturday 5 February 2011

I thought a little more about the ‘glad to be lesbian/gay’ site by CHEDGZOY and thought ‘you are going to have to do a bit better than that as an argument’.

I mean - I used to be dressed up as Victorian boy urchin and mind control programmed to believe that I was one called HENRY, at around 2 years old…and dressed up as a SAMURAI WARRIOR for that matter…but that didn’t turn me into a butch dyke - did it?

Okay if I hadn’t been twin-programmed with GILL I might well have gone lesbian in the end because RIMINGTON was trying to force all female zygote slaves to do so…the pressure was on me to do so.

I then thought about how lesbian and gay society is put up as a ‘refreshing alternative’ to the ‘prison’ of heterosexuality…all of those deadening, meaningless rules and rituals…but then I thought again - I had found precisely the same terrible ‘imprisoning rulebooks’ in gay and lesbian communities - as bad, if not worse.

I then thought about what it really means to be lesbian or gay in Western society today. SONIA and IRISH MARK had ‘started at the bottom’ in the gay community in Sydney. They were to find out that gay culture was all about ‘men behaving really really badly, to each other’. Youth and beauty were the holy grail and older men were cast aside like dirty, used tissues.

I felt really sorry for that kind older gentleman who had befriended them, he and others like him, had suffered horribly in that community…a bit like TODDY’s generation of friends that he was lucky enough to surround himself with, in the USA…but most gays aren’t so lucky and the SYDNEY guy hadn‘t been. They are condemned to spend increasingly solitary, isolated and lonely lives - as they get older and are no longer ‘fanciable’ in this PETER PAN fairy world…that gay culture has become.

I then remembered what TODDY had thought about the whole thing, in the end…that the ‘old ways are the best’ - for example ‘get thee to a monastery’ as I joked to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995. You see, if you are to live as a real community and society - you need quite a strict rulebook with a spiritual focus…and men like that type of thing…monasteries can be very pleasant ‘communes’ in this way…the communal vegetable patch…distillery/cottage industry…the collective responsibilities for cooking, cleaning, keeping things spotless and then a bit of prayer time/reflection/meditation…men love order, discipline, bells, rotas, systems…it is all a bit ‘military’ in a way (or public school). If GAYS re-invented the ‘monastery’ in terms of a new-age spirituality…and adopted a communal way of life…they would stop this ‘horror’ happening to those like the ‘old gent’…because it will happen to them all, in the end…everybody gets old.

Women aren’t like that - they do not have this fairytale PETER PAN thing going on and I have never ever met a lesbian who judged other women upon their looks, rather than personality. LESBIANISM is an entirely different thing and shouldn’t really be talked about in the same breath as GAY culture.

QUEEN VICTORIA didn’t think that women are a threat and that B&B down South didn’t either…allowing two women to check into the same room but NOT men…now why would that be?

One has to say that it is because ‘gay’ is perceived as a potential threat to society as a whole and that didn’t come out of a vacuum - did it?

It is the obsession with the anus (which women as far as I know - do not tend to share). Auto-compulsive behaviour around the anus…around faeces…as well as S/M activities.

The TEMPLARS had a history of worshipping the ANUS…as BAPHOMET. Devil-worship is commonly seen to be gathered around the focal point of worshipping the anus.

You can only go so far in whitewashing ‘gay’ and then it has to stop.

Secondly, I thought about how the ill cult had programmed my entire generation of males. This meant that all of them had been continually anally raped from a very early age…their first sexual experience…and it is commonly held that your first sexual experience tends to dictate what your ‘base’ sexuality will be - even though you can rebel against it at an older age…

In short, the men of my generation had all been buggered into the ground as children - by ill cult programmers and that the fact that so many of them were able to get married, settle down, have children, lead ‘normal’ and happy lives, afterwards - is little short of a miracle.

Men of my generation were being homosexually raped from early childhood in order to turn them into HOMOSEXUAL MIND CONTROL SLAVES…and it is a testimony to NATURAL male sexuality that the whole lot of them didn’t turn out ‘gay’.

So instead of talking about ‘gay rights’ here - I would like to talk about the REAL issue which is this:

HETEROSEXUAL rights - for parents to be able to protect their male children in particular, from ill cult anal rape - so that they are not made into HOMOSEXUAL MIND CONTROL SLAVES.

The LUBES as in the ROCKEFELLER family - have a lot to answer for.

Lesbians, as far as I can see - are a completely different culture - they do not tend to judge on appearance and they are not anally obsessed - nor do they tend to cling to a childhood state of mind aka PETER PAN world. That is why they are not perceived as a ‘danger’ or ‘threat’ to society (and I have never met one who was…)

The whole question of ‘is homosexuality natural, normal’ is now a loaded topic to my mind…seeing how so many men became ‘gay’ because they were ill-cult programmed to be and until that entire issue is addressed satisfactorily…any ‘glad to be gay’ sites which state ‘I knew I was because I cross-dressed as a toddler’ really do not wash with me.

Something terrible happened to men and hiding behind a RAINBOW banner and proclaiming ‘glad to be gay’ is only scratching the surface….yes, you need to feel good about yourself…get back your self-esteem as a human being…but after that, you have to look at the whole picture.

How many LESBIANS are there, at the top of the ill cult? Most, if not all became lesbian…with, let us say a ‘scornful distaste’ for men in general…and you can guess why.

The CHALDEAN BEEHIVE CULT in all of its evil glory - needs to be exposed and people need to heal…

When you look at the enforced HOMOSEXUAL MIND CONTROL SLAVERY present in both the jooish orthodox and Islam, from childhood…you get the bigger picture…

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