Saturday, 26 February 2011

I have just had a serious threat alert from NORTON - click on the above to find out which computer and network was responsible - stupid person, stupid network.

I link this to OBAMA but all ill cult families in general...and also to the idea of 'mobbing' which is primarily an ARAB cultural thing but seeing as the BRITISH ROYALS did it too i.e. if you offended one of them, they all ganged up on you...then one can say that it is a MAFIA tactic in general...and the only way to remedy that one was to 'take the whole family out' as AMADEUS was to teach the CIA LAB because if you leave one of them alive - they will come back at you, within future generations - so that was what we used to do...and still do, as far as I know...

So if you get an ABBAS on your trail - you simply take out the entire family as a lesson to those more bullying, thuggish family 'ways' or you are all dead.

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