Friday, 25 February 2011

Note the woman in the BLACK FUR HAT and the rather nasty looking flowers - one of yours MI6?

This video is all about KATE and her 'intelligence' MINDER...are you sure that it was CAMILLA and not this woman - who had forbidden you to get a full blood transfusion? Who knows...

Spot the women in the black fur hat...note the flowers she is carrying...

Note how KATE gets 'hit' by something which is picked up on camera a digital WHITE FLASH...and then KATE's eyes go dark and she grimaces in really quite an evil way...

Note how WILLIAM appears to have had some sort of surgery...he is missing some hair...rather like JONNO but not as dramatically...

...and yes i have seen this video before...i went through it with MCDONALD....

My guess here is this...KATE has been triggered by the flowers of that evil mouse in the black fur hat...and then she is hit by a beam - and a download takes place...a remote-control is being used...and she switches alter....grimaces...her eyes go 'dark'...

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