Today’s theme appears to be MISTY/WISTY according to GILL.
He always had
Today’s theme appears to be MISTY/WISTY according to GILL.
He always had a ‘touch’ of the PETER COOKs about him - which MCDONALD was to exclaim eventually - after having watched enough PETER COOK footage, as in “that’s your Dad” and then added “you’re just like him”…
MARTIN eyed him, in precisely the same way as you might imagine PETER COOK might have, in response, to that observation - and didn’t reply.
What is the name of that horror novel/film with MISTY in the title?
Something along the lines of a BABY JANE remake except that it is a woman who abuses a crippled man in a wheelchair…nearly manages to murder him…STEPHEN KING wrote the book…
“…that’s how I feel like” responds GILL.
I see - just remember that you agreed to all of this - at the time - in the CIA LAB…even if it does feel like ‘stalking on the internet’ - you all agreed - even though I admit that you can claim ‘limited responsibility’ - well so can I…
MR E - see GILL’s character role (as soothsayer in MISTY crystal ball) in RAW Library’s ‘Max and Lara’s amazing, flying something circus’…
Everything goes in circles…patterns repeat…as FBI frequency programs are run and re-run…
On a lighter note - I took a few photos of the MIST outside my window this morning at around 8.15am and realised that the reflection of my light looked like a UFO shot….MIST-ER-EE…MIST-EAR-E-US
CARBURETTOR (British English)
Was MARK R - king rat?
I know that the above was MAFIA programming.
I had flashes of GILL’s office in the CIA this morning…he had hung on his wall - my framed photo (taken in the mirror the other day) and was pointing it out to women who were sexually harassing him…’that’s the wife - show some respect’…so either it is still ‘love’ or a useful tool to bat this attention away from him…
…and I would be extremely careful of the ‘beautiful, young black woman’ who comes in now and again…she came in the other day, dressed in a skin-tight LIME GREEN dress and sat squirming on the edge of your desk until you told her where to go…
Image of scissors sideways ‘things are not as they appear’…
That was no woman - that was, in fact MARK R - who had got you under mind control again - in order to induce you to have sex with him.
Still playing their silly little mind control games…even now.
After a bath, invariably - a lot more comes back:
That FRY AND LAURIE ‘historic reunion’…I can probably put a date upon it…because STEPHEN DALDRY produced and VICTORIA BECKHAM directed…there was a big ‘fight’ over who should play the conductress…either EMMA THOMPSON or KATE WINSLET won it…and VICTORIA decided that she would appear in it too (like HITCHCOCK)…as one of the football team, dressed as MR WISTY…DALDRY appears at the end, as harassed BBC producer…
I can probably put a date upon it because MCDONALD sent it round to a ‘test control’ group to view it…and the RODWAY-WILLIAMSES were one such couple…MIKE spotted the ‘English football team’ joke immediately and pointed it out to his wife…who was not overly impressed by any of it - ‘mildly amusing’ but then that was HELEN…she disliked TV in general…she preferred to do other things…and used to go to sleep on the sofa, during fast action HOLLYWOOD ‘blockbuster’ videos…because she was so exhausted from work…I used to find it extraordinary how she could do that, what with all the noise and BANG BANG BANG special effects…
So my next point here is this: after I had left their house at 45 Francis Road, Acocks Green - to go and live in Oxford…they apparently moved to DERBYSHIRE and into a LODGE house upon some country estate - around the middle of 1999…but the whole thing is shrouded in mystery to me…did they really - or did they stay put?
You see - I ‘saw’ them watching the above FRY AND LAURIE test-trial version….at 45 Francis Road…so that would make it 1999...yet I figure that the film was probably made later on…who knows?
In the test-trial version, MARGARET THATCHER couldn’t be persuaded to take part…such a pity because that would have been the best scene of the lot…it showed so clearly, how THATCHER had been a MEGA-STAR to the UK…and that she put into the shade - the top HOLLYWOOD STARS - even contemporary ones…as far as the British public is concerned.
MARGARET THATCHER was the QUEEN of the UK - says the Masons’ network. Yes, she was certainly much more popular than QUEEN ELIZABETH with the general public…and that is why the press then began to liken her to QUEEN BOADICEA…the first real QUEEN of BRITAIN (unlike our ‘German cousins’ the WINDSORS)…it all gives RULE BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES a different twist, doesn’t it?
See the front cover of BLACK DOSSIER by MARK R and friends…the ‘spunk on the bedpost’ and the BRITANNIA effigy…they were taking the piss out of our country in relation to BI and the top ill…the image of BRITANNIA has a ‘?’ coming out of her head - meaning what?
RADIOACTIVE? (see the SIMPSONS comic and ‘captain radioactive’)
Is that why MARGARET THATCHER was able to protect herself from the ROYALS…was she put through a version of the 13TH ONE ill cult game and survived?
Yet the CIA LAB if it still exists…or BI if they have a copy…could update the film…if she decided that she wanted to take part….
NEIL KINNOCK - he decided that he would like to take part…and we suggested that he ‘join the football team’ as an enigmatic figure…
NEIL KINNOCK - see him quietly sitting in background of the HOUSE OF LORDS video on YOUTUBE, as LORD JAMES OF BLACKHEATH gives his speech…like NORMAN TEBBIT he looks amused and ‘in the know’…which he obviously was…the rebel group spanned political parties…left and right…Conservative and Labour.
I also had some odd flashes of MARGARET THATCHER’S house circa 2003...she had been memory-wiped by MARK R and she couldn’t remember that there was a secret passage behind her ‘safe’ - it had been bricked up. The SAS went in to check it out with their equipment and sure enough - they knocked down that wall to find the passage…THATCHER then told them to put up an electrified gate…they asked what voltage to put in…she said ‘to kill’…the vermin that might ‘bother her’ during the night I suppose…and that is precisely what happened one morning…she heard a noise in the night…called emergency services and a dead man was found behind the gate on the other side of it.
Now that man should have been MCDONALD - and I will tell you why.
In the CIA LAB he was still acting very suspiciously - and we had all ‘seen’ that the above would happen to him. I therefore decided to entrap him and upon an ‘exchange of information’:
I told him that I would tell him something that would save his life - for information. He flashed me a file with the time that the JOOISH SATANIC TEMPLE in Jerusalem would be built. I told him that this was not ‘enough’ - but then AMADEUS tried to block the information transfer…I managed to get around it…and got to the entire set of files…sent them to GILL who then cached them everywhere…upon the slave base networks upon his computer.
I then told MCDONALD to sit down, put on the headphones and I would guide him through ‘how to avoid certain death’ - which was the above scenario.
This morning - a network told me:
CODS ON A SLAB - otherwise known as ‘MI6 officers’ - see previous notes.
This is all about FISH programming isn’t it?
I ate PLAICE yesterday to track and trace the PORTMAN PLACE paedophile ambassador network….6 of them are dead so far…difficult to ‘get’ but not impossible…
I then began to think about NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH and how he had strongly struck me as ‘Russian intellectual’ and not really German at all…even though he told me that he had been born in GERMANY but that his roots were SWEDISH…
I wondered about how PUTIN had seen HULBRUSCH as the wittiest of the lot of us…yes, THE HEBREW HAMMER bears testimony to that one, doesn’t it? A touch of RUSSIAN humour there? I can remember HULBRUSCH telling me that the joos saw themselves as blue-blooded and therefore that dangerous weapon was full of BLUE SPERM…how stupid was I…not to get it…yes, I always had a problem with RUSSIAN humour - didn’t I, NIKOLAS?
I then wondered about MR PUTIN’s fluency - native-speaker level, in GERMAN and his time at a GERMAN public school in Poland…and wondered if HULBRUSCH had gone to the same school…as far as I know he had done…
The networks then told me:
Yes HULBRUSCH was a first-rate CHESS-PLAYER no doubt…and the networks then told me:
So HULBRUSCH had been programmed as a CARP?
My mother was supposed to ring me after the fog clears today and suggest a walk on the beach…I have a better idea…she had proposed ‘lunch at the THORNE’ in MANNINGTREE one day…and I could take the bus up there and meet her in that pub/restaurant…a lovely idea - I can bring along those Christmas presents for the family:
M&S SWISS BISCUITS (apparently important programming shapes etc)
M&S BELGIAN CHOCOLATE BISCUITS (in a gold tin - something to do with that paedophile ring?)
M&S MINT CHOCOLATE ‘after 8’s…my mother was bought some, one year and then they MYSTERIOUSLY disappeared and she got quite upset for some reason and looked accusingly at me “don’t look at me” I replied “I don’t even like them” - for some reason I have always hated the taste of chocolate and mint, together.
…and an ‘AMADEUS’ white dove card from the TRINITY church, to cap it all off.
So lunch at the THORNE might be a good idea…a safe location…I can take the bus and not have to change at COLCHESTER upon the train (see previous notes upon ATOS) and also I do not have to visit their house - the last time I turned up there - my father called the POLICE…and obviously having been told by the policeman who kindly drove me back to the railway station and then advised me not to go near their house again…I most certainly do not want to go anywhere near it.
On the other hand - the THORNE might be entirely dangerous - it is just that I do not want my mother driving in dangerous conditions upon those icy, foggy roads…and today it doesn’t look like the fog is going to clear at all.
ATOS forms - yet again - there are EMPTY BOXES at random - upon the ‘how to get there’ page…and you can guess why - can’t you?
Unless MI5 gets ATOS in order - they will try and cut off my benefits today - because I won’t be turning up for the CANCELLED appointment which was supposed to be today.
See previous notes in relation to being sent TWO new appointment dates.
The networks are saying ‘ATOS has already cut it off’
Well M15 had better get it put back on - sharpish.
That is before time - the cancelled appointment was at 10.35am today and it is only 9.07am - so what are ATOS playing at?
So somebody had better get it put on rapido - and then I will attend the proper appointment which is upon the 14th DECEMBER 2010.
...although one has to say that the walk to the bus-stop is fraught with dangers...this time ATOS apparently wants me to take the bus instead of the train...more on this later...
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