Monday 29 November 2010

DUFF BEER rules the world eh?

...not quite as THE SIMPSONS would have it.

There was a little matter of the WHINING countries (as the SAXE-DUFF-COBERG unit, called them - aka THE WINDSORS and BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY today.)

FRANCE and ITALY for example.

The WINE countries.

Where it was easy to grow GRAPES - in the southern regions of EUROPE.

The WINE mafia opposed to the BEER mafia.

'Table wine' for lunch and supper isn't 'poncey' and 'silly' to the Southern Europeans - it is a way of life.

Luckily - now in BRITAIN - we have become a country of 'wine-appreciation societies' as much as 'beer-appreciation societies' - we have bridged the gap - sales of wine, show it.

Let us be 'neutral' in this ill cult mafia 'international wars' game.

Circa 2003 - I didn't know enough to intimate the above to the SAS - who wouldn't have touched a glass of wine with a barge-pole otherwise...but they got into it...a glass or two in the evenings...but certainly not the weekend - that was reserved for BEER.

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