Tuesday 30 November 2010

The weather is now clearing up - I went for a walk into town but before I did - I remembered something very odd:

SCARLETT’s police had rushed into a flat to see MARTIN(E) pointing a gun at SCARLETT…and I talked her down and then hugged her…she was in ‘little RUSSIAN DOLL’ mode…she trusted me…GREENIE’s son was to report to his team later on, that he had seen a thin line of white mist where I was…as I hugged her…now you know what that was…WHITE DRAGON…GREENIE’s son could see ‘energy flows’ - highly psychic.

WHITE DRAGON meant ‘HENRY and MARTINE’ together…’one mind’…and that is what I was doing with MARTINE…trying to find out why she wanted to shoot SCARLETT at that point in time because she didn’t appear to be doing it ‘independently’…I then found out that PRINCE WILLIAM and OBAMA were behind it…WILLIAM wanted him shot…OBAMA thought that it would be a good thing because MARTIN(E) would then go to PRISON…

I looked through what had happened with MARTINE in my arms - just a little girl…and realised that this specific event was rather like the time when JADE LAING fell off the roof…SCOTTIE ‘knew’ that something was wrong, when I broke her fall and prevented her from harming herself…so I had to ‘trance out’ and find out what had originally been meant to happen (and whether it was a good idea or not - if things went ‘as planned’ - you see I kept on having all memory taken away from me) and I then ‘saw’ that she was supposed to break her thigh (break 3 MONKEY programming)…so the SAS upon realising that one, did it for me.

So after looking through what had been ‘planned to happen’ and seeing that MARTINE was supposed to go to PRISON ‘for her own safety’ - until I had finished the ill cult game - those were the reasons that OBAMA gave…I then decided to ‘let it happen’ - the only problem was that I had memory-dumped SCARLETT’s police at that point - after the event - where she had nearly shot SCARLETT - in order to protect her…but SCOTTIE had the CCTV downstairs - so he used it to get her ‘arrested’…but on lesser charges…she hadn’t shot him…

Now this is where it gets odder…SCARLETT’s police were informed that this would be a women’s prison for obvious reason - but separate quarters, naturally - a ‘special case’…but I know that MARTINE was then sent straight back to work for BI.

I remember now…if you have worked for ‘intelligence’ before and BI thinks that you are ‘useful’ - after being taken down from the DOCK…at the CROWN COURT…but you aren’t taken to prison - you are then taken to a BI building - you are then ‘so grateful’ to see all your old friends again…back at BI…that old HMSO PRISON….

Yes, TOMLINSON apparently stayed a day or two in prison…I cannot remember how long - during his YEAR IN JAIL according to the newspapers but for most of that time - all the other prisoners knew was that he was in ‘isolation’ for quite a bit…and had managed to wangle a ‘private cell’…whereas in fact he was being wined and dined around LONDON by the ill, quite a bit…allowed ‘out’ all over the place…buttered up, basically…to become the ill cult paedophile FERRYMAN in the South of France.

So when I was threatened with JAIL by the ill cult during this 13TH ONE ill cult game - it meant the above - back working for BI and that is worse than death…drugged up to the eyeballs every morning…until you start to really question your sanity…perhaps, made to work for the ‘regiment’ which meant harming ordinary, innocent good people - via your access to government systems to make their life hell, particularly if they had been rebels to the ill cult…and so on.

Remember, BI was run as a PRIVATE intelligence service - to protect the interests of the ROYALS and the top ill cult families in this country. Serving their country - that wasn’t in their ‘devil’s’ contract at all.


I worried the CID a bit today…as far as I know.

That is because this was the MCDONALD stage in the ill cult game.

MCDONALD had stayed at a certain house in a certain road, in CLACTON - with SC - whilst reprogramming to go through this HORROR ill cult game.

That same house was then to be taken over and used by the CID for ‘surveillance purposes’.

Now far be it for me, to cast aspersions upon the CID…but let me put it this way - everybody is turned against me, during this 13TH ONE ill cult game…and if they were staying in a house - undercover - a house previously used by MCDONALD - that makes me very suspicious indeed. It is likely to my mind - that they were under his control and on his network. In fact, I can remember now….they were - so at this point - instead of helping me - they will have been programmed to harm me.

So all I can say to them in that house - get out now. Take your most important equipment with you - and send your ‘foot soldiers’ in later to take whatever is left because I will ‘out’ the house that MCDONALD stayed in, upon my blog.

The house across the road from MCDONALD’s lodgings - used to be used by MARK R and as a ‘big clue’ - there is a car outside of it with a registration plate containing a SIS reference and the letters MRK. Now I do not think for a moment that the person who owns it is MARK R - or that they have anything to do with this game - but forensics might be interested in both houses - if either MARK R and MCDONALD are still alive - which I doubt, to put it mildly - but you never know, do you? I haven’t got ‘CCTV’ or photograph evidence, have I?


What else happened today?

I went to the GLASS AND CRAFT SHOP - which is on the road next to SAINSBURYS and in the direction of the seafront…and met the ARTIST.

I knew that this was going to be a very tricky business because the ill cult have been ripping off her INDIVIDUAL DESIGNS and that she would be told to view my interest in her work as INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE.

So I didn’t ask her if I could take photographs of the kiln, in her shop.

As soon as I met her…I remembered what had happened…this woman had been a GREAT HEALER at the TEMPLAR CASTLE…she had immense kindness, sympathy and strength…she would simply hold people, in their child alters in her arms…and HEAL them with her energy. Really, It worked. She did this with SCARLETT’s police - as well as the SAS, I might add.

THE PRINCES found out what she had been up to and this is what they then did to her as punishment:

They called it SPINAL TAP - after that comic documentary about a heavy metal group.

They broke her spine with a HAMMER.

They did it TWICE.

She had to have two operations and neither were completely successful.

So her ‘friend’ who helped and supported her throughout this terrible time…and then gave her the GLASS BEAD kiln - was another ‘angel’.

Secondly, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - she was already using her GLASS-making skills to make ill cult slaves ‘special tokens’ to remember their own power and strength, against the ill cult.

She had made my mother THAT PEN - the one that I bought for her and gave to her recently. My mother said that it was actually the best present that she had ever received in so many years…normally she told me that she tends to say ‘um, very nice’ but doesn’t mean it…(with my presents, she tended to say ‘I DON‘T LIKE IT‘ - up front, in a child alter - to which I would counter ‘the receipt‘s in the bag‘)…but this time…I had given her something that she was genuinely delighted with.

I then remembered that the other two PENS had been made by this artist for myself and my sister. So I also bought the other two pens on show (as part of a trio) today.

I told the artist how much my mother had appreciated her pen - and asked her about the ‘quality cartridge’ inside it - which my mother had asked about…because naturally she would want a replacement at some point.

The artist replied that it was a special US FIRM which made these QUALITY CARTRIDGES…and that she would order new ones - I simply had to contact her.

Puzzled - I asked her if she could give me the name of the product - because I didn’t want to bother her again…she then told me to give her my email address - so I wrote it down.


Now, as I was doing it - she was triggered into certain responses…this had been RIMINGTON’s programming - to ask me where my surname came from…and this was supposed to be very ‘bad news’ for myself…

TODDY says that the PRINCES had told her (as her programmers who had broken her spine - that they were FRENCH WEAVERS)…

I told her without knowing the above…that the GYDE family - as far as I knew…were originally ‘French weavers’ but that my family also had a Swiss connection too and none of us had any real idea of where the name had come from…

So you can imagine the chain of events that might have been triggered in that poor woman’s mind…another attack from the ‘FRENCH WEAVERS’ but in reality the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY…and of course, my family would be punished again - for what?

The woman had very strong links with the rebel group…and they would alert the MASONS to punish me and my family. Those like the SAS…the military MASONS…those with the SOE in their background geneaology.

This is what the ROYALS and ROCKEFELLERS have been doing for generations, to my family - and until now, they have always managed it.


Another odd memory that doesn’t quite fit:

RIMINGTON, GILL and MCDONALD at the CIA LAB - amongst others…they were the ones getting annoyed with me for not getting a ‘specific image’ - the first time that I was shown inside this woman’s kiln - as to what was on the end of the rod.

They figured that ‘all was lost’ if I didn’t…yet of course I did…I obviously wasn’t telling them the ‘whole story’ because I didn’t trust them. HENRY ‘knew’ everything - in the higher dimensions - he was watching them and laughing. He had ‘tagged’ the lot of them and was now INVISIBLE to them.
MARTINE had her ‘radio equipment’ on PLANET EARTH for want of a better metaphor…and HENRY was miserable that he couldn’t come down…be with her…he loved her so much but they had a mission to complete - defeat the ill cult. That is the way that it has been, for so long.

MARTINE was HENRY’s ‘immovable object’ - his MOUNTAIN.

HENRY was the ‘irresistible force’ - that meets his MOUNTAIN and didn’t GILL know that one - he knew it all, in a way.

That is why I finished MARTINE’s novel this morning ‘GUARDIAN ANGEL‘…and mulled over it…I loved it…the imagery is so profound…startling…the beauty of WILD nature and then the horror of industrialisation…what is going on NOW in ‘third world countries’ - it happened in the UK…people in abject pain and horror…their faces rotting away from SPLASHED METAL upon their faces, bodies, at the FOUNDRIES…that is the history of the UK…that is the history that they tend not to teach you during history lessons…the early ill cult have always found ‘human life’ to be cheap…they are ‘not right in the head’ these inbred families…never were and never have been.

Our country managed to create a society and culture where the above isn’t possible, nowadays. The ill moved on to exploit other countries. That is why images of people who have had SPLASHED METAL upon their faces and their skin and muscle underneath, has been eaten away - in the EAST (I didn’t check which countries) - appear upon a google images search for MARTIN GILL…MARTINE wanted this to be outed.

I can remember remote-viewing what had happened in this country…in the early foundries…I can remember a man who had had metal splashed into his EYE…he was screaming with pain…blinded…he was told to stay where he was…and to continue working, by the FOREMAN…he did so…he was threatened that he would lose his job if he didn’t (and that meant his family would starve)…he stayed there until his workshift was over…moaning, groaning and crying, upon the floor…the rest of the workforce there was horrified…sickened…terrified…they said and did NOTHING to stop this abuse…like dumb sheep, in a way - traumatised out of their minds - too scared to do anything in case they lost the only way to make a pittance - so that their families wouldn‘t starve. They didn’t know how to stop these abuse of themselves - their friends - their communities - they were literally struck dumb.

This is how the ill cult began their control of the UK - and this is how they are now doing it in the FAR EAST.

They call it ‘industrialisation’ and that it is ‘good’ for the country - because the country will become ‘wealthier’ so that they can afford to eat at MCDONALDS and to buy ill cult NUCLEAR WEAPONS to defend themselves…

…and if they make enough money, they can also afford to buy BIG PHARM drugs in order to cure themselves of basic human emotions…those like ‘fear’ and ‘anger’…and if they get really wealthy - then they can buy drugs like ‘RAINBOW JUICE’ to really send them off their heads and start killing off people willy nilly, all over the place…ill cult killing fields…

…and if they want ‘higher knowledge’ then they can join their local ‘secret society’ - and once at the top and having paid huge subscription fees until they were 40 years old - they can then be ‘treated’ to the fact that they were being groomed to be SATANISTS and to destroy the world, all along.

If they disagree with that one - they will be told ‘COME ON, you’re not that SIMPLE, are you? Had you no idea?’


That strange ‘E’ in curly handwriting that my mother wrote upon a piece of paper with her EYESTAFF the other day…with the very same pen that the HEALER had made for her at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and told everybody her ‘secret healing meaning’ for it…that meant ‘ANGEL’.

That same curly ‘E’ is on the front of MARTINE’s novel: GUARDIAN ANGEL.

It took me some time to remember…which is why I have had the book ‘out’ for so long - from CLACTON LIBRARY - and upon my bedside table…for all of that time.


Did I also note that the artist showed me the insides of her kiln - both left and right?

The other ‘rods’ had now gone.

…in the LEFT side - there are a number of ‘flowers’ beads which she is in the process of making…and I know that these belong to the SAS.

At the very end….to the far LEFT…she took out a rod and showed me a LONG BEAD with a SNAKE upon it…I laughed and said ‘Oooh I love that, I’ll probably be back for that one, later on’…

She laughed too and replied ‘I love snakes- don’t you?’

I replied that I did.

We both knew what we were talking about - in relation to ill cult programming - the ‘snake back on your head’ means your ‘I’ in your head - independence from the ill cult.

She added that she loved CATS too… and I agreed.

My PEN had been that of a BLUE CAT motif on the top of it.

Yes that is MAGIC ROUNDABOUT ‘BLUE CAT’ imagery…and maybe as a tiny child I had been taught to be frightened of my own powers…that is what the ill normally do…try to separate off the strength and force of early ‘rebellious child alters’ and then tell you that they are terrifying to you…and that you must never let them come near you…

SHARK programming is all part of the above number - but the ill cult did it with all sorts of imagery.

If you are scared of any image - you probably need to look into that one…carefully.

For example: RIMINGTON needed to look at SQUID...the very idea of a SQUID terrified her...she went even paler than normal and looked like she was going to faint...she would tend to 'grip something' to hold her steady, look away and 'go vacant'...yet that sad little 'squid' was her own child alter...her most powerful early 'self'...that needed love - not abuse - she needed to take it back into her...

GILL is a bit more problematic - after 'outing' that platypus image of an amphibious creature...MARK R programmed him with several more - just to 'make sure' so every time you see an image that you 'flick away from' immediately...go back and have another look...I know this type of feeling...suddenly you just 'change the screen' immediately...and you think 'because I'm bored' or whatever...but you are not...what has in fact happened, is that you have just come across a programming image...and your subconscious mind cannot bear it and takes steps the image disappear, immediately...

...and it will be an image hidden...in a GOOGLE IMAGES search result page, for example...I can remember MARK R and MCDONALD saying that this was the easiest way to control their slaves...you do not remember that you even looked at the image...you simply 'scroll' down fast...after seeing it...and that is the way that you can isolate these images by questioning your own behaviour...why did I 'get bored' suddenly and started to 'scroll down' extra quick/fast?


As I was walking down the road upon which SAINSBURYS is on…in order to turn RIGHT to the GLASS AND CRAFT SHOP…an old woman passed me, singing’ you’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you’…except she didn’t sing that, she sang:

“you probably think this song is about TU”


I then remembered MARK R using this song to do the most evil things:


‘RUBY TUESDAY’ the networks are telling me.

The RUBY -they got that one back from SCARLETT’s watch but not the DIAMOND…MARK R had gone berserk about that one…

You got the RUE-BEE but you lost D.I.A. WORLD…I am beginning to get the symbolism here.

RUE-BEE…rue everything that you ever did, CHALDEAN SATANISTS and your ‘hives’.

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