Monday 29 November 2010

Don't get me wrong, i am not looking down upon OSBORNE for that 'pill drawer' - MARTIN GILL had been given a 'drawer-full of pills' as a teenager...and that drawer had frightened me immensely, when he showed it to me...because I KNEW that my mother 'talked sense' when she had told us all - including her husband - 'never to take a pill until you are almost dying - as a last resort- build up a resistence first - only take antibiotics if your body cannot defeat it but give your bodily systems a chance to do so first' mother was always a shit-hot doctor...a shit-hot brain...a NUFFIELD SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP to OXFORD (above all of the young male students) and she had got it in CHEMISTRY to MARGARET THATCHER's college SOMERVILLE, OXFORD.

After being a GP for decades - my mother then took a course in her 40s and became a DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH - she knows what is what.


"You don't take pills unless they force you to"

LOOK at BI - drugged up every single day - before they begin work in the office...they are all handed their 'drink' or 'pill' nowadays, they are telling facade necessary they are farmed through the checkpoint...

It used to be in their 'first cup of tea/coffee' with a the office of their online manager before they began work'...sleep on the desk for 1/2 hour and then sent off to it is a lot more OBVIOUS eh? OMO time.

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