Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The second weird dream was all about being in a mansion or palace…with many people…those like SEV and LAING…I have no idea how old we were supposed to be…maybe young teenagers or simply in teenage alters…and we had all been put on a sort of ‘quest’ but I had no idea what any of us were supposed to be looking for…there were many precious objects around, in every single room…

Anyway, I was standing upon the stairs with LAING…and I recognised those stairs…the same design as those at HOTEL ENTER-I-TIS…but they were in fact, not the same ones…they were from the EFL department at the back of OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS…you entered the back of this building to see a very strange sight:

First of all you saw a hallway with stairs going up…and a lift service in the middle which was reserved for ‘only special people’…and on either side of this hall - you had MIRRORED WALLS on either side…I remember looking at myself in the mirrors…and for a person with a very poor self-image (even though this was 1997 and I was looking my best, as it were)…I was horrified by the way that I looked…I had dressed in RED or as close as I could get…a RED smart fitted jumper and a long BURGUNDY skirt…I walked to the top of the stairs to be confronted with MIRRORS again at the top of the stairs…I had walked slowly up the stairs…and a woman whom I recognised from the previous interview at EFL OUP…a fat woman in a cheap summer dress - with no tights on, in black pumps…had marched up those stairs much more quickly than myself…she didn’t look right or left…she looked poorly dressed and turned out but she didn’t seem to give a damn…so that gave me a bit more courage…what did it matter what you looked like - it was what you could do…

That was my second interview at EFL OUP HQ…and the next one wasn’t at the same place…yet as far as I know…it was at the same place…this time you had old stone stairs and not red carpeted ones up the stairway and no mirrors in sight…so a different location entirely for the third and final interview…

…and I can only remember what happened in the third and final interview…I had to go up to OXFORD three times and yet I have NO MEMORIES at all - of the first two interviews at EFL OUP…apart from walking up that very strange staircase and the MIRRORED WALLS…so it was a different building entirely and I must have been put under mind control afterwards…I can remember walking down the corridor at the top of the mirrored stairs…because I knew which office to go to…but that is all.

The third time that I went for interview…I was given a new address…and I turned up…and ‘very odd things happened’…the receptionist called upstairs…a woman from PERSONNEL came down and said that I had to wait - she then left for lunch (a small dark-haired and mean-eyed woman - a bit of a SUE WALKER type, I thought - she really glared at me as if I were ‘rubbish‘)…I waited for ½ hour…and then asked the receptionist if she could ring up again…I was then told to go up immediately because they had been waiting for ½ hour and why was I so late?

I was then interviewed by the so-called BOSS of EFL OUP in his office…who was small, white-faced - with fine dark curly hair…rather like PIOTR KUHICZAK in looks…jooish looking basically…he was a bitch…quite obviously gay but went on an on about being married with children and that on £30,000 he couldn’t afford to send his children to private school…the HEAD OF VIDEO was also quite obviously gay…but of an older generation…in a brown suit and waistcoat…a bit of an ANTHONY BLUNT type…he also talked of having a wife…he was as camp as a row of tents…

Anyway, the rude woman from PERSONNEL then joined us and began to talk like a stupid automaton, asking me crazy questions…I was bemused by the whole setup…but as I can now see, she was probably trying to shoo me away…get rid of me…to help me…but it simply didn’t feel like that at the time…I was then taken to see the GRAPHIC DESIGN department by the two gay men…and one of the designers exclaimed angrily ‘what’s she doing here - I thought that you were going to take him’…he meant the only other candidate, still in the running at ‘third interview‘ stage…and that was rather upsetting too…

This morning I remembered reading that graphic designer’s mind…he knew that whoever was picked for the post of VIDEO OFFICER would end up dead…eaten by ‘MR WOLF’ as he was known…so the personnel officer and the graphic designer were both trying to make me feel as unwelcome as possible…and they certainly managed it…and I left feeling terrible…not having any idea of what was going on at all. I then got a rejection slip through the post and figured yet more BI ill cult bullying going on…yet I can now see that it had saved my life…I had narrowly avoided another LINCOLN COLLEGE horror.

So what was that building with mirrors that had made me so self-conscious? It was a real place I am quite sure of that…and the same evil little BOSS was in control of it…except that at the end of the second interview…I was given a different address for the next time…

To make matters odder…my sister then got a job at EFL OUP about 3 months later on…and she told me that the BOSS didn’t fit the description that I had given at all…and she then checked up…to find out that her boss wasn’t a new one…he had been there for years…so I had basically been interviewed by an IMPOSTER.

To make it all even odder…HELEN found out that the HEAD OF VIDEO did actually exist…he fitted the above description…and she told me that the new VIDEO OFFICER was a young man who had worked a lot in video and professionally…so he was much better qualified than myself…when I asked my sister how this young man was getting on…about 6 months to a year later…she said vaguely that he had ‘moved on’ early on…but she had no idea where…she supposed that the pay was too little and he was too experienced for that type of work…

The above all happend in 1997...after COLLIE had told me that I would never work in the UK again...but she might find me a 'senior teacher' post at the BRITISH COUNCIL if I was lucky - ANDREW MARR was with her at the time - both were shouting at me about how 'useless' and 'worthless' I was...I told them 'I wash my hands of the pair of you' and walked out of her office.

See previous notes as to how many ill cult people attacked me during that year...they all turned up on WARWICK campus at that point in time...during the time of my writing my dissertation upon DEREK JARMAN...

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